Part 56

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Honey = he is right I don't think about that, I don't want to lose my hair it to long till my hip and even andyloves it right (kiss his cheek)

Andy= yes but don't worry we will figure out something

Aadi = idea!!!

All three WHAT?

Aadi = slady make her hair in bun so hair will be safe and about face then we will cover her face like lady's cover her face with cloth in Muslim so now only eye will be display and by doing that no one will doubt on u even my supergirl will be also safe but slady dress up her well so no get chance to doubt on her

[slady and honey went in to room for change meanwhile maya came with praxa and after half an hour slady and honey came out but still the hair was not proper it was little bit lose]

Aadi = nice job slady

Slady = thank u

Honey = so now let's go peterson come with me and maya u also come with me but u will stay in car and take that praxa we r getting late but before that cover her eye and ear even tight her hands and legs

Andy= (kiss on her eyes after removing glasses and made her wear contact lens) shh it will not hurt u but don't rub your eye ok (and give wet kiss on her eye) bye take care and don't pull stunt on you even if u want then think about me first


Honey = Peterson bring praxa with u I am going first (by saying this she went in and saw that person)

Honey = so u r the one who try to kill by husband and even u almost killed him but our love was too strong that u lost your plan with very bad failure

Nikhil = yes but now I am sorry for that and I want my daughter back

Honey = (clap twin and peterson came with praxa even peterson was wear jacket hoody) so her is your praxa but u have to sign some papers

Nikhil = what (confused look)

Honey = don't worry it's not about business but it's about yours

Nikhil = (read paper even sign and give it back) now can I take her

Honey = you can (and above to turn and she listen sound of gun and by this laser light was on and in other side hairs were open and was visible because that cloth only cover till her waist)

[peterson came with guards and take Nikhil and her daughter out even peterson cover honey from back and come out but honey's hair were burn till waist because of laser]

Honey = leave him and let's go back

Peterson = but ma'am your hair is burn and left till waist

Honey = (tears were on verge but she control anyhow) let it be (sit in car and soon reach home and directly went to room and locked herself in even started crying)

Peterson = (came running behind her) sir ma'am she is not well

Andy= what happen

Peterson = (told whole story) and but that she lost her half hair

Andy, aadi, slady =WHAT!!!!!!!! (shout)

Andy= I should go otherwise she will fall ill while crying connect

Aadi = but about her hair she lost

Slady = see it will grow up but I have idea let's give her new look

Andyand Aadi in confused look

Slady = I mean I will call beautician at home and they will cut her hair till shoulder

Andy= but honey will not allow them to even touch her hair and here u are saying to cut off till shoulder

Slady = but if u are there with her she will allow them to cut her hair

Andy= ok call them

Slady = I already called them actually peterson called to informed this so I know

Andy= so were knowing this before us

Slady = yes now no more discussion and go to honey and make her change and I will start preparation of dinner because u have to even go for drive

Andy= angel please open the door please see no one say u anything

Honey = ok but only I will come in and promise that u will be not angry on me

Andy= angel's promise now please allow me to come in

[andywent in and close the door]

Andy= angel let's change cloth

Honey = hmm can u help me to change

Andy= yes why

[andywent to wardrobe and brought shorts and scarf]

Honey = what is this I mean what I will wear up

Andy= nothing because in few min your hair cut will be done so now only wear down and upper I will cover with scarf

Honey = but I don't want to cut my hair otherwise u will stop loving me (in cute pout)

Andy= no it will never happen that I stop loving my baby and u will look more beautiful in new look trust me (kiss on head)

Honey = so till now I was looking bad (with tears)

Andy= no I mean u r looking wonderful but you will look more cute

Honey = ok but

Andy= but

Honey = I will sit on your lap while cutting hair and after cutting I want hot chocolate

Andy= ok done my baby (and made her change now she was in her b*a and shorts)


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