Part 19

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Honey went in and close the door and start clean house at afternoon honey is sitting on sofa having lunch and mean time phone started ringing. And it was none other than andy.

Andy= hey what is my angel doing (in cheerful tone)

Honey = your angel is cleaning kitchen (happily said)

Andy= did u have your lunch (confused tone)

Honey = yes completed all (in childish tone)

Andy= that like my girl (smiled)

Honey = did u have yours (in sweet tone)

Andy= yes

Honey = how is day going on

Andy= bit busy

Honey = don't take too much load (tensed tone)

Andy= yes angel I will not (in convincing tone)

Honey = ok so bye

Andy= why

Honey = because I want to sleep I am feeling tried

Andy= ok take rest

Honey = what will u have on dinner tell me now so I can prepare that for you

Andy= no need make whatever you like and which is easy to make

Honey = ok I will make stuff potato and brinjal, roti and shrekhaad is already there

Andy= ok bye take rest I will come around at 8:00pm. Because I have some work

Honey = ok bye take care

Hang up the call

[honey went to rest. And here andy went to hospital to meet aadi]

Andy= (knock the door) May I come in

Aadi = hey no need to ask come in. next time no permission for coming in my cabin and sit (call nurse to bring report of honey)

Nurse came with report

Nurse = sir report

Aadi = yes give me and don't disturb me till I can't call you.

Nurse = yes sir

Aadi = and if any emergency come then send other doctor who is working under me

Nurse = yes (went out)

Aadi = listen andy listen to carefully honey is surfing fritanosis

Andy= (makes a confused face and looks at aadi)

Aadi = (takes X-ray) see here this nerve going to her brain is being pressed between her muscles so that causes less blood supply to her brain from her lower spine

It means that sometimes she will get panic attack seeing the thing or person who scares her but that would be temporary the person who will hurt her or scare her she will run away from them or that thing she is kind of having fear issue now.

Andy= but aadi in starting phase of our marriage and now also sometimes I get angry on her and she gets scared but she never ran away from me accept one time.

Aadi = that is the main problem I don't know why that happens but seeing u both together it might be like that because u love her and care for her u scold her and get angry on her for her own good and she understands that but please don't be harsh on her to give her more pain may be it is possible that u hurt her beyond her trust and she start hating u. feeding with your hand is good but if there would be some situation where u have go out of city then she will take her food but not that amount of food which u feed her

Andy was shocked at the information given to him he took time to digest each word but what if she start to hate him he cant bare her hate rate he can do anything but never loose her

Andy= I will never hurt her I will never let her hate me I promise

Aadi = but always stop her doing what is not good for her because it will be a problem if she does anything that is not good for her, pamper her like your kids fulfill her demand but the right one and if her demand is not valid make her understand but Pyarr se...

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