part -44

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Slady = (shake her and speak in low voice because sacchi is sleep) honey doctor is saying, something did u listen that

Honey = yes I am listening but, what did doctor say I don’t know, is there  anything important (fake smile)🙂

Andy = hey angel r u ok baby😟

Honey = yes🙂

Doctor = honey come with me I forgot to do check up of yours

Honey = yes doctor lets go

Andy = I will also come

Doctor = ok

[again trio went in and nurse made her sleep in machine for brain scan (MRI)]

Andy = doctor what is happening in her mind

Doctor = this are some nuclear element, it react when person start thinking thing with make her sad, angry. And because of overthinking her brain is  becoming weak and I think she have some problem right

Andy = yes few months back she was fallen down and table hit her head

Doctor = andy see I am not forcing but after you become fine and well you have to take care of her like 2 year baby because brain is fragile and she loves you like mad person and every second she is scared of losing you.😔

Andy = I know that😞

Doctor = and if sometime she react weird then just try to divert mind by giving physical action and you know better what I want to say.

Andy = yes I will doctor

Doctor = and this r some medicine for both of you, so meet you next week

[all came back to cabin]

Slady = doctor  honey is ok!

Doctor = yes she is fine

Honey = can we leave now

[now days she was acting like she is presence in physical manner but mentally she is no in world]

Doctor = yes

Honey = thanks

[all came home]

Honey = slady start making lunch I am coming to help u after changing andy cloths

Slady = no need u just stay with him ok and end of discussion and go (give warm smile)

[honey come to room and change andy cloth quietly and without any facial expression and her changed herself in short and shirt of andy and sat beside him on left side and rest her head on head rest, instead of resting on andy should]

Andy = angel r u ok

Honey = hmm😔

Andy = I can understand your feeling, even I can see and feel it also so please don’t be soo hard on you. I know you want to cry but you are been strong infront me but  forgot I can sense the feeling of my baby, my angel (and hug her tightly and kiss on his forehead and started caring hair)

Honey = (and that’s it she broke down and started 😢😨😭😫😭Crying very badly louder and sobbing hard) andy i…… was …scared….of …losing… you….. you know…. I was blank when I saw you….in that ICU...i..was messed thoughts..where scaring me...seeing you with wire.. I so wanted to kill myself... After seeing you my body was numb.. Like my whole energy is vanished.... and every (gripping his shirt)

Andy = hmm (he didn’t stop)

[after crying 2 hours continuously he made her sleep properly and he also lay down beside her and she cuddle and hug him and here andy keep his hand around back and put on her belly and started rubbing slowly. After sometime slady came to room]

Slady = andy it will hurt and pain to you

Andy = but that is less infront of pain which my baby is going through now

Andy = now wake up time of baby because lunch is ready

Slady = noo don’t wake up let her

Andy = why I will wake up my angel she must be hungry my baby’s tummy will hurting (in worry tone)

Slady = because she have not slept properly after your accident. she used to wake up in middle of night with jerk shivering and sweating badly.

[meanwhile honey started snuggling bad and wake up with jerk and started sweating and shiver and started crying hugging andy]

Honey = sorry andy I really very sorry please forgive and please don’t leave me and go

Andy = shh…….shh baby stop crying because my angel don’t look good in tears

Honey = (stop) sorry (childish manner and touch his hand, leg and then head) it would be hurting u lot right

Andy = but (stop in between because)

Honey = (kiss on his head) now it will be less

Andy = aww my baby ok so now my angel want to eat or want to sleep

Honey = first eat and then sleep but u have to also sleep ok (in childish manner)

Andy = I will my baby (kiss on her cheek) my sweet angel (and this moment was captured by slady in her phone)

Andy = I will my baby (kiss on her cheek) my sweet angel (and this moment was captured by slady in her phone)

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Slady = honey seem to happy and even getting normal but how I mean what do u did with her

Andy = nothing buddy I just let her cry till she want to and after crying of 2 hour she slept and now see she is feeling bit fresh

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