Part 79

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{Guys honey is the owner and appointed more then thousand of people, so by seeing alya she got to know that she is totally blank }

Honey - then that's good...

[Meanwhile Andy and slady entered..

When slady and honey is on office mode they address each other's like formal manner...]

Honey - good morning miss slady please have a sit

Slady - thank you

Honey - so Mr. andy and miss slady meet alya she want to do job in our company... So I am thinking to keep her in fashion factory... Even I want your suggestions too

Slady - it's ok I like your idea, what is your opinion Mr. Andy..

Andy - I also like it Mrs. Honey you can go forward with your plan..

Slady - ok so I gotta to go... I have some important meeting with my client

Honey - uum slady is your mini interior set ready..

Slady - yes.. But do you want something

Honey - yes I want to do photoshoot and I want your set up

Slady - why not you can use it.. Even it will be awesome.. Like both product in one frame..

Andy - means

Slady - see in billboard, front-hand will be with fashion model.. And on backhand my interior design will be there (smirk)

Honey- so once again you got my idea.

Slady- yes.. But where is your design.. I mean were is your outfit... And have you selected model for that photoshoot..

Honey - ooh freak.. I just forgotten... Umm Peterson ..

Peterson - yes ma'am

Honey - call kenny, nikhat and aashna and tell them to come here right now.. (In serious cold tone)

Peterson - ok (went out to call them.. )

Andy - this much arrogance is not good angel...

Slady - (in mind) already honey is in angry boss mode and here Andy said this... Now definitely flood will come.. (😅)

{Because guy when honey is in boss mode.. She hates this type of cheesy behavior.. Or we can say informal behavior}

Honey - (in straight tone) Mr. Andy first of all let me remind you that you are in office and second thing never ever interfere when I am talking with someone.. And third one is don't call me with the Nick name in office.. Ok because I don't like that at all.. And now I think this much instruction will help you to get know that how to behave in company environment... And if you want more example then you may ask miss slady because she had many experience . Am I right slady.

Slady - yes Mrs. honey.. And don't worry I will help Mr. Andy to understand your rules..

Honey - excuse me what do you mean by your rules hmm (in bit angry mood)

Slady - I me I will help him to how to behave whenever he is with you.. (In bit hesitantly tone )

[And in all this alya was scared out of hell... By seeing honey in this new avatar.]

[Peterson came with kenney ,nikhat, aashna]

kenney, nikhat, aashna - morning ma'am (with full smile😄)

Honey - good morning.. Guys and I hope your work is going good.. Because I have arranged a photoshoot for this outfit you three have design..

(All were shocked)

Kenny - but ma'am the outfits are not ready yet..

Aashna - yes ma'am they are under process

Nikhat - same here ma'am

Honey - what is same here nikhat..

Nikhat - I mean what aashna said that..

Honey - ok.. Give me your project file (serious tone)

[All are scared of honey's behavior

• kenney, nikhat, aashna is scared because, what if honey will fired them.

• Slady and andy is scared because this much temper is not good for her health...

• alya is scared because she has to tolerate this if she will do something wrong...

All three gave there file.. And after reading it she gave back.. ]

Honey - (get up from the chair and sat in couch keeping ice bag on her head and by seeing this Andy and slady is worried and they were about to speak but honey show there eyes to not speak..) kenney, nikhat, aashna please have a sit.. (All sat) so I gave you 8 months for preparing the outfit.. And let's divide this month.. Like.. 1month for design the sketch... 2 month for selecting the fabric.. 4 week to make worker understand how to make outfit. Now removing all this time there were still 4 and half month but still there is no progress.. And yes for your very kind of information you have already crossed the deadline.. Even you are 2 month running late . Kenny your work was to design outfit for male like casual, formal, party wear and traditional Indian outfit

Nikhat your work was to design outfit for female like traditional and ethical wear which are use in India wedding function

Aashna your work was to design outfit for female like underwear bikini, lingerie and all that, beach side costume, party wear.

Am I right..

Trio - yes ma'am.. Sorry ma'am(answering keeping there head downward)

Honey - I know why this project is running late.. Because you all think that if ma'am is not here then who is going to come and check.. Right (shout and striking her her on table with force. and because of that blood starting swallowing. all of them notice that but no one have dare to interfere..) Ok now enough of this and yes this is the last time i am letting you go.. But next time you will be fired.. And now you have only two months that's it..

Trio - but ma'am..

Honey - I said leave😠.. Before I change my mind😤.. Just go.. (Shouted with high temper) even you all please go out for sometime.. I need space.. And you (indicating towards alya)

Alya - me

Honey - yes you only umm what's your name. Aaaa alya right..

Alya- yes.. (In fear tone)

Honey - you can join the job from tomorrow.. And for now go with Andy sir and slady ma'am and have your lunch..

Alya - ok

Slady - you are not coming..

Honey - (while sitting back on chair) no actually I have to sort some work so you all go I will join you in between.. And Andy you also eat ok I will come as soon as work is complete (bit smile 🙂) Peterson you also go..

[All are scared due to honey pregnancy.. And her behavior.. But someone has to do something otherwise it will be worst .. So after having lunch Andy decided to go and make her eat something.. And slady told alya to go home, and went to see her interior prototype model. Peterson call maya (second PA of honey)and said to join office from tomorrow because he knows that alya can be tough job sometimes so he suggested honey to appoint maya and keep her as spy girl on alya..]

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