Part 10

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[andy seat in driver and make honey sleep in front seat and banded seat so she can comfortable. And started driving and reached to home and slady also came with them because it was already late. Andy park the car in home, and in other side slady open the lock of house and take sacchi in hug she went in and seat on sofa. Meanwhile andy came with honey caring in bridal style with tightly hug and honey recognized the warm of him and started cuddling more in his arm]

Andy= babu don't scared see I am here to hold you back

Andy= slady please open door of my bed room

Slady = yes wait (and she open the door)

Andy= I know there are 5 room include our so u can stay were ever you want to but the problem is AC is work only in our room only soo It would be better if u sleep with us (and after saying he putted honey on bed safely so that she cannot wake up and give kiss on her head and both cheek, eye)

Slady = I don't have any problem but you both, I mean will you be comfortable with it, you know what I mean to say.

Andy= see there are king size bed in each and every room, soo at least we three can sleep if u feel comfortable because at night whole bed is empty (smirk)

Slady = empty???? What do u mean?

Andy= because after in deep sleep at might night honey always come toward me and hide inside my arms like she want just insert her whole body in me and by that I feel like we are no different and after finding her cozy corner she sleep like that. (smile and pull honey more closer)

Slady =it ok but baby cot (confused)

Andy= wait I will bring it (in formal tone)

Slady = do u have baby cot ? (shocked)

Andy= yes I do have it... I had bought it with the hope that... (with moist eye)

Slady = that u and alya will have baby so...

Andy= yes but she left me alone (tear were on lid but he control himself)

Slady = don't speak the word ALONE because now u have honey

Andy= slady did u know honey is wonderful thing ever happen in my life because she has make my life colourful she is like moon. ok so we will discuss about this later now let me bring baby cot for your angel.

[After some time he brought the place beside slady]

Andy= ok soo good night

Slady = good night

[at midnight suddenly honey started cuddling in andy's arm, but this time it was different andy was trying to control her by tight hug and kiss on her face but all of sudden she started crying very badly. And hug Andy very tightly and started sweating shivering.]

Andy= (with in low sweet tone) honey my baby, angel what happen did u want anything is your body paining.

Slady = (awake up with jerk listen sound) Andy what happen.

Andy= I don't know (and started worry and eye became red and tears start flowing because he is scared for her like what if something happen to her then how he will live without her)

Slady = hey Andy stop your tears otherwise she will become more weak. I think take her to balcony. No wait for that u have wake her up, so take her out and seat on swing. U go I am coming

Andy= yes (and he cared her in his arms and went out and seat on swing. And make her seat on his lap so she was resting her back on his chest and face in crook of his neck and she is sucking neck badly)

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