Part 76

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Andy - (seeing honey's changing behavior he agree with her) ok baby but what will you have in dinner... So I can inform Mary about things to prepare..

Honey - no I want you to prepare food for me.. (With cute smile)

Andy - ok but what you want to eat..

Honey - one mango dust, rajma, moong dal, butter rice, cheese paratha with curd and buttermilk, and in desert muesli fruit and dry fruit...

Andy - ok your wish is my command so let's move...

Honey - (hug him) I am sorry I should not act like immature person..

Andy - hey who say you are immature.. You are mature... It's just that sometimes your child mode is on..

So let's goo (kiss on her cheeks)

[In Mansion all where sitting slady was showing something to sacchi, alya was scrolling in her phone and aadi and kaushal where discussing about something related to medical]

Andy - ( side hugging honey) hello people's (and was about to go towards the kitchen slady stop him my call him)

Slady - Andy! Why are you going towards the kitchen, you sit here meanwhile Mary will bring juice...

Andy - actually slady we both don't have dinner so I am going to prepare dinner bcz it's my angel wish..

Slady - so what your angel's demand

Andy - it's surprise I can't tell you all right angel (kiss on cheeks)

Honey - (excited) yes.. So let's go

[Both prepared food then andy made her eat and in between honey also feed him back]

{After dinner both and andy sat beside alya with honey in middle}

Slady - so what was the scene hmm..

Andy - nothing just casual (smirk smile)

Sacchi - (went near andy) prince.. I want to eat ice-cream

Andy - ok as sacchi say.. Let's go..

Kaushal - yes why not we all will go.. But not you two (pointing towards Andy and honey) we will take parcel for you two

Honey - but why we... (Anger was rising peek by peek and this was seen by aadi)

Aadi - (seeing her sudden change in behavior) Supergirl.. Recently you went out right so you take rest, right Andy.. (Showing eye to her inside room)

Andy - yes angel let's take rest we will go tomorrow

Honey - no but I want to go today only.. That's it

Slady - but sweetheart we will bring 2 ice-cream cup's for you and your favorite Belgium chocolate with Choco-chips.. Ok

Sacchi - but if prince and princess will not come then I will also not come

Slady - ok then we will go tomorrow..

Andy - (he saw alya spoiling her face) don't do that guys please.. You all go, I, honey and sacchi we will stay at home

[All went out and here in house trio went to room and lay down on bed with sacchi in middle and by telling story and some sweet talks trio fallen asleep and here slady, alya, aadi, kaushal came ]

Slady - (to one of the butler) where are they

Butler - in the room (pointing towards andy-honey room)

[Trio went in and saw wonderful scene,

Andy and honey with sacchi in between were sleeping. hugging each other. Slady click the picture...and decided to take sacchi but when she try to take sacchi. She started crying and bcz of that both of them wake up]

Andy - (taking sacchi in lap) what's wrong with you slady... (In bit angry tone) why did you wake up her.. Can not you see we are sleeping peacefully after so many days..

Slady - (in sad tone) i am really very sorry.. I didn't mean to wake up you all I was just taking sacchi with me so that you both can sleep freely..

Honey - slady we were sleeping freely only... (In tired tone)

Slady - (in low tone) I am sorry.. And sacchi come baby

[Sacchi went with slady and came out and went to there respected room but here honey was not able to sleep]

Honey - Andy I am not feeling sleepy anymore

Andy - baby sleep close your eye and sleep will come again..

Honey - no (stubborn tone)

[Andy cover duvet till neck and remove her upper body clothes and started massaging breast even honey started sucking his neck crook. Honey is totally under Andy. after sometimes Andy made her wear clothes and hugged her and both slept..]

MANAN: HER WISH HIS COMMANDWhere stories live. Discover now