Untitled Part 72

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[Suddenly honey wake up in jerk]

Honey - (sweating heavy and tears were flowing continually ) andy.. (Sobbing in vulnerable) Andy... Our baby (holding his hand and keep on womb) is not good right... Our baby's heart is not beating yet.... And it's not good.. Right IT'S NOT GOOD (shouted on high tone and started crying hugging Andy tightly)

[Seeing honey in vulnerable state all of them were hell scared because condition of her brain is critical, if this situation will take over her mind then she may become a mental patient or due to stress on brain causes memory loss ]

Andy - ( take her in his lap, start caring her hair and honey land her head on his chest and hide her face) angel (in sweet tone) nothing will happen to you and our baby because there is kaushal and aadi to take care of yours, and moreover I am with you.. And I will protect you and our love nothing is going to happen to both of you. I know that our baby's heart is not beating but kaushal have already started your treatment by give certain medicine and very soon our baby will be fine, but you have to be careful like taking proper food and medicine on time, taking rest properly and no tantrums. (Explained in very innocent and sweet tone) I am with you I can't live without, you are my precious  damn thing.

Slady - honey you are my strong girl right then what happen now, be strong for our baby be brave because if you will act like this then there will be bad effects on baby... So keep smiling.. Keep your mood fresh, eat fruits, read good book, listen music so that baby will be happy.. (Caring tone)

Aadi - exactly Supergirl you have to just be happy and keep smiling.. (Smiled)

[Mary came with food for honey]

Andy - here comes your food angel (in cheerful tone)

Honey - I am not feeling to eat anything (in dull tone)

Kaushal - see if you will not eat then how your baby will grow. and only medicine will help you to heal, you have take food along with medicine(explained)

Honey - ok i will eat but after I want sleep (in soft tone)

Slady - but before sleeping you have to take medicine ( in sweet tone)

Kaushal - yes cutie-pie

[Andy started feeding his angel and for very first time she eaten whole plate with any tantrums even her behavior is been changed]

Andy - good angel now medicine time (in sweet tone)

Kaushal - aadi please bring 2 injection from that bag (aadi gave one filled injection) cutie-pie give your right hand (forward his hand to give her injection)

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