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[andy went to room saw honey was lay down in bed so he went near her]

Andy = so what is my angel is doing (in every sweet tone like a sweet husband is talking to his lovely wife) (and take her in his lap like both of her legs were hugging his waist and hug her even kiss on face)

Honey = your baby is good because when her andy is with angel then she become as cool as ice (and rest her face on his chest but suddenly notice that bandages were not there) andy why do u remove this bandage

Andy = (smile by seeing her cute frowned face) don’t worry angel I removed it because doctor have said that all is fine but

Honey =but (worried tone😞)

Andy = but I have to be careful  means I can’t load much weight on my right hand and left leg

Honey = (suddenly got up from his lap and sit near hugging him) then it would be paining there right (touching on hand and leg..) is it hurt lot!!!!!😥😥

Andy = why It will pain because of you then listen me carefully (while caring her hair and remove it from face which were fallen infront of her and stroke behind ears)my baby never hurt’s his andy (and again made her sit on his lap and position was same)

Honey = (kiss his both arms) you are too sweet I love you andy (and kiss on his cheek and rest her face in crook of his neck)

Andy = so now my baby is feeling fine or angel want something lets (smirk)

Honey =feeling fine...but what will you give me like you said that something you can give me if I ask.. For that

Andy = (made her sleep and went to her up and tangled his leg between her thigh) so today I want to give something can I give that to you

Honey = (blush) whatever you want to do or give me something I am ready and all yours

Andy = but remember one thing if it hurt then just believe in me just trust me and you know I never hurt my angel (and kiss her on all over her face)

Honey = I know that and I can bear little bit pain for you andy even that pain well soon convert into love. Andy can you wait for a while

Andy = as you say angel

Honey= for that u have to blind fold your eyes (and by saying this she cover his eye) wait till I come (in sensually way)

[she when to bathroom and washed her hair and wear that red saree even she kept her hair open and went out]

[she when to bathroom and washed her hair and wear that red saree even she kept her hair open and went out]

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Honey = (sit beside him and rest her head on his shoulder) andy open your eye

Andy = (remove that cloth from his eye) baby your hairs they are wet

Honey = I know andy and let it be

Andy = (cupping her face and kiss on forehead) angel you will have fever and cold too that I can’t see my angel is shivering under fever. So now no argument and hold on (then he brought dryer and started drying her hair)

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