part - 41

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Honey = slady you go first and unlocked all doors

Slady = yes (and went out with sacchi who was sleeping in slady arm)

Slady = (after opening door) honey come in

Honey = yes

Honey =andy wake up

Andy = yes

Honey = slady……….. (shout)

Slady = yes honey

Honey = please take out that chair

Slady = yes wait

Slady = (bring the chair) take it

[honey made him sit on chair and enter in home]

Honey = slady now u go and sleep I will manage

Slady = r u sure

Honey = yes u go even sacchi is tired she need u so go🙂 (in bit serious tone like she change and this sudden change was giving bad feeling to slady because she was worry that what if she will again go in that dark phase)

Slady = honey r u ok and don’t worry 😥 he will be fine with your love and care

Honey = slady can u order that comfortable wheel chair that sofa type chair

Slady = I know what type of chair u r saying and yes I will 😊

Honey = and also it must be comfortable to andy because he can’t feel that he is sitting on wheelchair he should be feel like he is just sitting on sofa chair

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Honey = and also it must be comfortable to andy because he can’t feel that he is sitting on wheelchair he should be feel like he is just sitting on sofa chair

Slady = yes I will now u go and sleep

Honey = yes (and she went in room and saw andy was trying to get up)

Honey = andy………….. what u r doing (scared tone)😓

Andy= I was just trying to😅

Honey = (cut in middle) what u were to get up hmm (tears started following)😢🥺 I am sorry please forgive me (hold him in her arms and made sit on bed)

Andy = honey I want change

Honey = hmm wait I will bring clothes (bring the clothes)

Honey = wear this it will comfortable (it was sleeveless t-shirt and boxer)

Honey = wear this it will comfortable (it was sleeveless t-shirt and boxer)

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Andy = ok

[honey made him wear the cloth and go for changing her cloth and after long time she was out with red eyes, nose and it clear show that she was crying in bathroom and there were dark circles under her eye]

[honey made him wear the cloth and go for changing her cloth and after long time she was out with red eyes, nose and it clear show that she was crying in bathroom and there were dark circles under her eye]

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Andy = angel r u ok

Honey = hmm (came and sleep beside him with some distance)

Andy = why this distance angel r u ok see don’t worry I am fine now aah (hold his head)

Honey = andy... what happen r u ok (with moist eye and in no time tears started following)

Andy = (hug her from left hand and she snuggle more and hide her face in his chest and by this andy recognize that how badly she want him) hey angel don’t worry see I am here only with. I don’t know that my angel will become this much weak because of me, but now listen me carefully, in future there will be such situation, so don’t make me as your weakness because if it will happen then your rivals will get chance to hurt u. so make me as your straight ok (kiss her on forehead and peak on lip but this time no blush and by seeing this sudden change he was worried because she stopped blushing which she was use to do and even smile less)

Honey = I miss u andy , one second I was scared that I will lose you (sobbing but sudden she think that if she will be weak infront of andy then he will started worried so she stop crying) now sleep

Andy = yes come (and spread his left arm) don’t worry it will not hurt because my angel can’t hurt me

Honey = good night andy

[both sleep honey rest her head on his chest and andy put his head on her waist and cared]

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