Part 4

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<After 6 to 8 month>

[new start, new day new morning andy have taken a leave of month so he can take proper care of her .because doctor have tell that to take proper care of her like child need]

andy=honey good morning it 8 so get up fast (because andy was strict among some rules so he just said in bit stronger tone)

honey = (suddenly started crying like little cute baby and started speaking while sobbing and making cute pout) why always u scold me hmm (started crying louder because she need of pamper and a tight hug but she was not finding it)

Andy= (in angry) shut up just shut your mouth.(and show his big eye)

Honey= (by seeing this she got more scared like hell and started shivering) ok then i am going because u don't love me ok bye

andy= (suddenly realize that what he is doing with her and what she need but here there was problem honey never allowing to touch her but to take care sometimes andy forcefully touch her {guys not that type of touch} coming out of his thinking he saw honey is trying to go out but suddenly by jerking he take her in his arm's and started caring her hair)

andy= (he kiss on forehead and made her sit on his lap and lock her legs by angling his leg) shh... shhhhhhh .. stop babu my sweet angel, my baby stop crying see i am here with u see u want this only see I am here and sorry for getting angry on you please forgive me (by saying this he make a cute pout puppy face by seeing that his angel is smiling and seeing that he say ) that like my angel, baby freshen up then i will bring some breakfast for u

honey= help me please, hold me and i will make breakfast for us


[andy help her to do her teeth brushing while making her stand in his arm's and after completing that andy when out and here honey fastly take bath and came out in track pant and t-shirt of andy( because she like to wear his clothes only and this was most liking by andy) here out andy is waiting for her because as she is not well ,he is worrying about her and a sound came ]

honey= thinking about me hmm worry for me

andy=(seating on sofa )yes any doubt

honey= so let's go

andy=where u want to go

honey=in kitchen for making breakfast and now don't start saying me that you are weak not well ,yes i know that all but u r there to hold me right,(she smile) i know u will tell that u only don't like to touch .but andy yes that is right but if i allow you to do so but sometimes only and that we both will decide .(while some sweet talk breakfast is ready)so here we go breakfast is ready

andy= put on table i will come there

honey= No i want to eat while seat on sofa and watching TV

andy= that we will but after eating while seating on table

honey = no then i will not eat (in cute tone)

andy= (with soft tone and caring her hair) but babu it's bad manners ok so be a good angel and come lets have breakfast

honey = no i don't want to eat (in stubborn)

andy=(in bit angry tone) are you coming or else u want me to stand up

honey =(in funny) u want to come or not come it's up to you and about want to you stand ,u can stand but yes it will hurt your legs because u will stand continue (started laughing louder)

[by this Andy's named volcano blast on honey named island. poor honey]

andy= wait wait i am coming don't move ,now u will see real andy(saying in bit anger tone)

[and here go's the running session but andy is in full angry because already she is weak and here see him to running behind her ,and here honey was enjoying like a small kid but she was unknown about the next step and all of sudden a sound came of tight slap on face which was given by andy to honey and held her arm]

andy= now listen to me carefully wait until i come back don't even try to move one inch ok

[he go and came back with a thick rope]

andy=seat here on sofa (in angry tone like monster)

Honey = (in shock condition but suddenly it broke up with loud sound of shouting) i will not sit (and started sobbing)

Andy= (with jerk pushed her on sofa) once i said the things should be follow because it good for your health only

[And after saying that he tie her hands and legs with connect rope so that she can't even stand]

Andy= now stay like this whole day (in ordered tone)

[By saying this he lift her like bridal style and went toward room and put her on bed and started feed her]

Andy= (with clam tone) now see not even sofa it a comfortable bed so be a good girl start having food (and smile)

Honey= i am not hungry my hunger is gone (and start crying silence but it was not hidden by Andy)

Andy= (he is feeling guilty) i am sorry now please eat something

Honey= (while sobbing and shivering because of his angry look) No a big No got it you Mr Andy

andy= ok then fine don't eat and i will also stop having all the food which u don't eat ,and even i will not eat until you will not eat .now i am going out because of some emergency work u don't move and here is your phone. food, water, juice is also there if u wish have it otherwise sleep headphone are also there if u want to listen songs. (With frustration)

Honey= ok (with sad face)

Andy= I will be back soon and if u don't want to eat then sleep

Honey= (started crying after Andy was gone) ok then I will go out 

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