Part 70

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[Honey started eating chocolates at that alya again ask the same question]

Alya = so honey when u both are planning to have baby

Honey = (stop eating chocolates) I .....mean.... why.. you...are...asking.. (in streaming tone and she shivering)

Andy = hey angel what happen cool down ok don't panic ok clam down (andy try to convince her lot but then also she was going out of control) ok listen lets go out ok lets go.. ok you just take your require stuff and come down ok I am waiting (kiss on her lips) and ya alya come with me (in dangerous voice)

[both came out]

Andy = (in cool dangerous tone ) dare you ask her anything from next time ok , if u want to ask then ask me but not to her ok otherwise as I said one tear from my honey's eye and I will not think twice before destroying u

Alya = (she was hell scared) ok and went out ...

[after sometimes honey came out and both went to hotel and book suites and went in]

Honey = (both lay down on bed) andy can we stay her until your mom is not fully recover but I don't want to go back your house....

Andy = but we are going back to paris in few hours that's it and after going there I will not allow u to even walk in room also bcz this much travelling is not good for your health . even over bags are be send to paris

Honey = but what about your mom

Andy = (hug honey) baby I don't care ok . I call best heart doctor for her so now she will be fine...

Phone came of alya

Alya = (in panic tone and was crying like hell) andy.....andy... mom (she was not able to complete her sentence)

Andy = alya please say it clearly u are scaring me (in scared tone) (and hug honey tightly)

Alya = mom.. mom...... she died ..... she died andy ....she pass away .......... (and started crying like hell)

Andy = I am coming u information other relative ok and stop crying and doing drama even take care of dad be there with him I am coming ......

[End the call]

Honey = what happen andy (in tears) (andy is not answering her ,she shake him, he is not even blinking his eye then she kiss his lip and started sucking it)

Andy = (hug her tightly and said) ......she died..... she died honey ......(he is breaking inside he started out louder)

Honey = andy look at me baby... please say your papa that stop crying .... (and that's it honey also started crying and both of them hug each other and cry a lot )

[after few minute andy realize honey can fall sick due to crying]

Andy = angel let's change we have to go home (rubbing her tears)

[both of them were trying to be strong for each other but silent tears were flowing out like rain.. but then honey though to become strong for andy bcz if she will crying then andy will worry about her]

Honey = (in bit strong and normal tone) andy let get ready fast we have to go ... even tell me what should I wear ..... bcz as u told that all bag that over bags are send to paris ....

Andy = no that I was just telling to calm u down..... our bags are there in that changing room .. lets go and change ...

(honey outfit)

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