Part 22

19 3 1

Next morning

Andy= (kissed her on cheek) wake up angel it 9

Honey = (wake in jerk) what it's 9 I mean what about office

Andy= (stroking his fingers in her hair) cool angel today It's holiday in office (smiled and made her sit on her lap and put his face on her shoulder)

Honey = good so today only honey and andy day (with cute pout and in childish tone)

Andy= so u want that (smiled)

Honey = yes I mean today we will decorate our house with some new thing. So we r going for shopping (in childish tone)

Andy= great so let's go and freshen up

Honey = together!!(in low tone)

Andy= together? (surprising tone)

Honey = mean brushing teeth and lets see u complete it fast (in excited tone)

Andy= NO race in cleaning teeth It should be done in proper manner (in serious plus sweet tone)

Honey = OK but we can do together........

Andy= yes lets go.......

[both went in bath room and after completing brush both came out]

Andy= now take rest I will go and take bath first then u go

Honey = why to waste water (with smirk)

Andy= so u don't like to waste water then its ok u don't bath today so water would be also saved (teasing tone because he know what is honey trying to say)

Honey = no not like that I was say that let bath together (in childish manner)

Andy= so my baby is horny right (naughty smile)

Honey = andy!!!!!! It is not like that (angry pout)

Andy= hey chill come in fast but shower or in tub

Honey = first in tub then in shower (and clapped with excitement)

Andy= so u come I will fill the water

Honey = yes I will after closing door

[Honey went to close all door so that no one can come in while they are having their time and they should be able to peacefully enjoying with each other. Honey enter with her cloth wear bikini which have a deep neck and have backless even andy was in boxer. Andy gave his hand and made her sit on him and hug while keeping his hands on belly, because of tight hug his arm were touching her melons and by that she shiver]

Andy= angel r u ok sorry for that I was too deep to feel your every curve (in lusty tone)

Honey = it not like that (snuggle in his neck and make her face to kiss andy's jaw line but by this andy saw something and smile with smirk)

Honey = why u smile (childish tone)

Andy= its not like that (just simple sweet tone)

Honey = not it is like that now tell me (stubborn)

Andy= soo I can see your something or I should say everything (in mind poor honey she will no get what I am saying and she will surely ask "what u can see")

Honey = what u can see. I cannot anything (she check herself)

Andy= angel stop it (smiled on her cute antic)

Honey = why (confused)

Andy= because now just feel me ok feel me in your each and every curve, feel me in your breath and don't stress even lose your body because I am repeating once again that I will not do anything from which u feel uncomfortable. Now just be free with your body and cool down. Don't be hyper by some new sudden touch of my ok now just your body make it free on me and be like this water even please trust on me

Honey = I trust u, trust u to allow u, trust u to make me yours...

Andy= now can i

Honey = yes (while blushing hard)

[Andy started kissing on her face, kissing her eye and sucking it, then kissing on every corner of earlobe, then kiss on cheek and suck it, then kiss on her lip and started sucking it by it was hard to do it because she was sit facing back side of him so he pull her more closer while hugging tight by stomach so move stretch her face bit put and make her to turn toward him. And after that he started sucking her lower lips but in between found that she is not responding him so he stop]

Andy= angel u don't like me to suck your lip (in worry tone)

Honey = its not that but I don't know how to react on this (in sad tone)

Andy= (in mind his said kido) simple do as I say start doing what I am doing (smiled)

Honey = but how (still in confused bcz for her kissing on lip was like rock science)

Andy= ( she such a kid and say in mind, slady u should have teach her all this not practical but at least by make her seen video) ok so when I am sucking your lower lip u take upper one ok

Honey = ok (still not get but smiled in confused)

[she take it andy held her face from back so she can get support but what she did it while sucking she just bitted his upper lip (poor andy)]

Honey ( tears started running out because she hurt him) I am sorry I am very much sorry. How dumb I am that I can't give a kiss on lip (feeling guilty)

Andy= baby it is not call only bite it your first love bite which u give me so no sorry just suck it slow no need to rush (trying to convinced her)

[after that andy started kissing her back neck but the thread of bikini was intruder for him so he open it but honey make her face up to see andy but said its ok I will not do anything this was been intruder for me so I just remove it. And make her bend down to kiss her back. He kiss each and ever corner of her back but there was also his intruder and the last thread of bikini if its open then bikini will fall down and she would be In her pent only. But not knowing he open it and bikini fall down but that was feeling him crazy in which when bikini fall down she don't know (but guys she is honey not understand then listen she have were bra which cover only her breast) andy was kissing her neck from back and in front and even honey was moving side by side to give her more access. But went he saw that she is wear bra under bikini he smile. And move her to facing face her front to him and made her rest her body in edge bath tub. Andy bit stand up (because tub is quit big) in his four legs (I mean 2 hand and 2 leg) and go toward her and started kissing her belly and on this time first time ever honey moan his name and by listening this he got crazy (but he said to his mind to control and smile) and slow move up and started kissing her waist and sucking even and every corner of stomach and slow lick the gap between melon and by this honey shiver and started take heavy breath]

Andy= (cupping her face with both hands and caring cheek with thumb) relax see I am here with u see here in my eye and just rest your body and I will not touch this from next time

Honey = (crying) no it not like that It feel weird

[So after that andy started kissing cleavage and give love bite and on that gave a soft kiss. After this session andy made her sit on him and started scrubbing each other and very first time honey touch andy's body and by her shivering hands she started scrubbing his body and finish it first and after a while andy also finish it. And now time to take shower. But when andy try to get up honey was not allowing to move him and then he understood that she is feeling shy so he take a big towel and made her bit stand and cover both body in one and while hugging her with towel and walk toward the shower and open it and remove that towel and let water flow all over the body and after sometime he close it and turn back so honey can dry her body and wear her cloth with was blue pant and white short kurti with full sleeve and went out and saw time and it was lunch time and was blushing every time and meanwhile andy came to kitchen after make room clean and putting things on its right place like teddy, headphone and etc]

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