Part 62

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Andy= what happen to my angel slady? Why always her (moist eye)

Slady = see nothing is going to happen to honey ok so be strong

After a while aadi came to check his supergirl

Aadi = what happen to her

Andy= (in bit angry tone) we don't know that why we call you

Aadi = (check her and smile) guy she is totally fine and congratulations you are going to be dad

Andy= (smiling like fool bcz his happiness was out of control) what!

Aadi = yes (hug him even slady hug him)

[honey slowly open her eye]

Honey = what happen to me guys why are you see me like this

Andy= (hug her tightly) thank u soo much for this gift

Honey = what gift

Andy= (keep his hand on her belly) this gift

Honey = what !!! (in tears)

Andy= yes u r going to become mom

Slady = yes

Aadi = guys we have to go hospital bcz to do fully checkup of her

Andy= ok then u drive car we both will sit back

Slady = ok


Honey = (hide her face and started sucking his neck)

Andy = (caring her hair) what happen angel

Honey = I am scared

Andy= see don't be scared ok I am with you ok


Aadi = honey u lay down here and u all go out

Honey = but I want andy beside me

Aadi = ok and other all leave


Aadi = supergirl lay down on that machine

Honey = no I am scared I will not go (started shivering)

Andy= see angel I with u here only

Honey = no means no

andy= aadi check her normally

Aadi = ok

[aadi did all necessary check up]

Andy= what is report

Aadi = everything is positive both are fine and health but supergirl have to eat more health food for better and health baby

Honey = ok buddy

Andy= so can we go home

Aadi = ok

[andy, slady, honey can back home]

Andy= angel sleep for while ok

Honey = u know your angel don't sleep with her andy

Andy= ok come

Slady = some I will make some health food

[andy made his angel sleep while telling some sweet story and came out ]

Slady = andy you here , I mean u want anything

Andy= no I just want ask that honey fine right

Slady = yes she totally fine and health just keep her smiling

Andy= what female normally do in this situation

Slady = she will become child who is just 4 year old

Andy= ok so from now triple tantrum (smile like fool)

Slady = yes but sometimes her demands would be very weird but don't become angry ok

Andy= ok ma'am

Slady= Andy I think in hospital aadi wanted to say about honey, but he stop so please call aadi and ask him what he wants to say.

Andy call aadi

Andy= hello aadi

Aadi = hey I was just going to call u that there is something regarding honey health

Andy= yes tell me (tensed tone)

Aadi = (in serious tone) see normally her health is fine but at delivery time she can face difficult to deliver baby. If you want to see then tell her to run behind you then after sometime she will start panting heavy and because of their reason she can face the problem(worry tone)

Andy= then what is solution(worry tone)

Aadi= just keep her happy and give healthy food with vitamins like give her milk in gap of 3 hour then make her eat some fruits take her to long drive but be careful because when 3 month will start then there are chances of miscarriage so when she enter in that month don't allow her to go out of your room and other information I will tell u when time will come and if u want to know ask slady

Andy= ok but can u do one favor for me (in polite manner)

Aadi = yes tell me

Andy= can u come and stay at my place until honey delivered baby please

Aadi =ok I will from today only so bye (with smile)

Andy=bye and we will wait for u at dinner

End the call

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