part -46

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Andy = what do u mean (confused😕 tone)

Honey = means girl is already kidnap And
[door bell rings]

Honey =  she is her also wow great job man

Peterson = thanks ma’am

Honey = go and get that girl here in study and yes cover her eye and ear ok (in serious tone)

Peterson = yes ma’am

[Peterson went and out and after sometime he came with that girl. She was struggling hard to be free and was shouting and crying loud. Peterson brought her in study room, andy was shock of seeing girl and also shock of seeing his angel in this monster avatar. And name of girl is praxa]

Honey = so you are praxa right (speak near her ear with louder) daughter of khurana and apple of eye of your brother (laughed like evil monster)

Praxa = (shiver) yes but why you have bring me here what do you want (shout)

Honey = (in angry tone) lower your voice praxa don’t push me to do sometime which is very dangerous and horrifying to you.

Andy = angel you are not doing anything to this girl, because she was not the one who did my accident and if u want to take revenge then kidnap her dad, why are you harassing her

Honey = because game was started by him and will ended by me so now it is time to settle down some score. And if you are saying that why I did the kidnap of her then it is vice versa because he have problem with me and my company then why he hurt you instead of me because he know that I love u like anything. So I did the same.

Praxa = so now you will hurt me the way dad hurt your husband

Honey = of course, any doubt (with evil smile)

Andy = no she will not

Honey = why

Andy = because you forgot my sweet angel (and kiss on her hand) that you have promise me did you remember my baby (with soft smile to melt honey and really works)

Honey = yes but don’t try threaded me because if I can’t do then there many people over here who do on behalf of me (smirk and kiss on his forehead) like slady and other peoples of our company but that would be more horrified.

Praxa = please honey leave me even how you can hurt a girl I mean you are also girl so how can you see other girl in pain (she was thinking to do some emotion black and try to threading)

Honey = (with smirk) like father like daughter I mean really how u all about manage to do this all time drama show hmm

Praxa = what do u mean?

Honey = stop now u bleedy bitch bastard (shout louder in anger like a wild monster)

Andy = angel………….😠 (in anger tone)

Honey = (eyes became wet🥺🥺 but then also she control herself) sorry (said without eye contact) Peterson take her to that room and maya wrap her with sticky tap like a cocoon only her face should be visit and before wrap her pour green chilly and red chilly sauce even add some vinegar and salt all over her body even add some chilly flake of Thailand and black pepper, lime juice without water after that rub all over even in hair also but not in eye (smirk) and take her from here

Andy = (in angry 😠😡tone) angel what is this. Did u know what u r doing with her skin

Honey = yes I know. ok guys leave it and andy lets sleep and I don’t want any discussion about this topic

Andy = as u wish (with serious face😑)

[both went to room after some time Peterson and maya came]

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