Part 15

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[But when aadi just start speaking there was a noise which came from bed room. All just run and open the then whole room was mess up and honey was crying]

Andy= (just came and hug her) hey relax angel what are you doing it will hurt you and see you even got cut

Honey = let it be ok (in cute angry)

Andy= slady please bring first aid box

Honey = No need

Andy= but why see it bleeding and hurting you

Honey = let it be I said (sobbing hard)

Andy= why this sudden change did anyone tell you anything wrong

Honey = no but if anyone tell then who cares (tears in eyes)

Andy= I do. I care for you

Honey = no u all r bad. you all r bad you aadi, you slady, and you my hubby (angry pout)

Slady = why we all are bad hmm?

Andy= slady... ! (show eye to slady) ok we all are bad but you are good hmm (kiss her forehead) my good angel, my sweet baby

Honey = hmm but

Andy= but what

Slady = do u want anything

Honey = yes I am hungry (and started crying hard and with sobbing she say) and my stomach is hurting see (pointed towards her stomach)

[all want to laugh out but they were controlling but then also they laugh out louder]

Andy= aww my baby's stomach is hurting (side hug)

Honey =but now not (push him out)

Andy= why

Honey = because you all laugh at me so get out from here right now

Slady = Andy food I special made for honey

Honey = I said no food so mean no get out u all right now

Andy= (monster mood) slady give me plate (in serious tone)

Slady = (murmured) volcano blast

Aadi = (smile at slady and then after look at honey) poor honey

Andy= slady I ask u to give plate and leave us for while

Honey = (badly scared) don't show your anger to me Mr. Monster because I am not scared. Show it to other people ok ( said in louder)

Andy= so my angel is not scared of me great congrats (smirk)

Slady = we are seating out u carry on

Andy= be comfortable and yes order some food for dinner (but by side vision he saw honey smiling) hey time up no more smiling because that will be not for you

Honey = (with cute face) but I want to eat

Andy= no and guys what are you waiting for goo

Slady and aadi = yes (and went out)

[here in room andy trap honey in his arms]

Andy= so now what you were saying that u will not eat (smirk) this food ok then but I was thinking that if you will be finish this I will allow u to eat that dinner food. But now its ok (cute smile)

Honey = no blackmailing and I don't want any food (in angry)

Andy= ok then and kiss her to lower lip even chewing it like food (and by that blood started flowing from her lip but he just suck it up)

Honey = andy its hurting

Andy= great then ready for next one but then he saw that blood was flowing very hard

Honey = its hurting me (and started crying)

Andy= shh... shut up ok. (in angry) Now u understand or I should give u one more on upper lip (smirk)

Honey = noo I will eat (sobbing)

Andy= good and be like this always (give a smile)

Honey = hmm

Andy= (take her to rocking chair and made her seat on his lap) now start having it (and started feeding her)

[after making her to eat, he made her to drink water]

Andy= now sleep and I will wake up went food will come

Honey = will u make me sleep as u do always

Andy= yes come in (he just open his arms and hug honey and started caring her hair and her belly and meanwhile she sleep with a cute smile on her face and this was capture in andy phone. But he was thinking that there was no reaction after he kiss her so hardly mean no scared of this new look. But thing she love it that's why and went out after kiss her on and blood mark and on head)

Slady = so did she have it (worried)

Andy= yes she have to (smirk)

Aadi = andy how did you do this I mean how u made her eat, because till the day I know honey is a girl how is never scared of anyone

Andy= (sudden spoke) ghost!!

Aadi = what?

Andy= yes bro your super girl is scared of ghost (smile)

Aadi = and another one is u (giggled)

Andy= I have to be otherwise she will eat all the junk food only and I don't allow her to eat

Aadi = never

Andy= not never but it should be in limit like twice or once in a month

Aadi = its good for her and the think I want to tell you that we will discuss tomorrow in my cabin

Andy= ya sure I will call u when I will come but r u free!!

Aadi = yes I am. But don't come with super girl ok

Andy= yes

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