part 36

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Andy = angel now lets go out otherwise u will catch cold and fever (caring her cheek)

Honey = but after shower (cute pout)

Andy = ok (smile on her cuteness)

[andy made her stand under shower and hug her. after sometime he close shower, making her dry and made her wear shorts which come till thigh and crop which shows her milky stomach.  dry her hair and comb it and kept it open.]

Andy = angel do u want like to wear thing on your belly. where is your wedding chain (putting one hand on waist and another on neck)

Honey = yes I will love to wear.  About that chain then here it is, please make me wear this chain and fill hair line

Andy = ok and this kamarbandh ( it was small chain of silver which is worn around waist )

Andy = ok and this kamarbandh ( it was small chain of silver which is worn around waist )

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Honey = now I can feel complete and tears came out (in proud tone)

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Honey = now I can feel complete and tears came out (in proud tone)

Andy = (side hug her and kiss her cheek and forehead) come lets go out and sit with all

Honey = hmm

[both went out and sat on sofa and honey rest her hand head on his chest. In living room aadi, slady and sacchi on her lap]

Slady = how r u feel now (in tensed tone)

Honey = (in angry look) fine

Slady = hey sweetheart why this much aggressive (confused smile)

Honey = because u should not speak that. How can u even think that I will do that. Even not in my dreams ( and phone start rings) I will be back in second

Andy = yes go(smile)

Andy = yes go(smile)

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MANAN: HER WISH HIS COMMANDWhere stories live. Discover now