part - 47

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It's been one month honey is torturing praxa.. Blue and black, day and night.. But the way she wants to harm her.. Was not possible because whenever she starts torturing her something in her stop her at one point of time.. But still she control her thoughts and torture her double.. And this session was been witnessed by slady and Andy..
Whenever she tortured her out of this limit Andy try to stop her like First he try make her understand and if then also she won't agree then he start speaking with angry tone... And due to this she feels bad.. Sometimes even tears are on verge but some how she control it.. And after torture session is over she help Andy in getting ready.. Having his breakfast and morning medicine.. And then she daily when out and spend her time in orphanage.. And return back with fresh mood.. All have noticed that but no one asked her.. But they just want there honey to smiling all time..
But at night sometimes her face become tensed.. Even Andy try to ask her always she start stammering.. Shaking or sweating too.. Like vulnerable girl..
But today's day is different..
Like slady was feeling so uneasy and getting bad vibes that something is going to be happen like something dangerous.. And that will destroy our happy life..
Today honey's mood is totally different like by seeing her face, it was spilling fire.. And this is being noticed by andy and slady
In room where honey is torturing praxa till was being extreme today... It seems like her mind was triggering in wrong direction.. Today her mind was so disturb that she forgot to make Andy ready....  And went out...

Slady - Andy is not there.. In room

Andy - what! (Shocked and tensed)

Slady - wait let me see CCTV camera video.. (She saw the video) Andy I think she went out in anger ...

Andy = so what stop her otherwise accident will happen because in anger she drive like crazy mad person even no limit of speed

Slady = but why sudden anger what is reason behind it

[both were thinking and all of sudden andy spoke]

[both were thinking and all of sudden andy spoke]

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Andy = shit man I mean she got panic attack so she is in danger we have stop her and bring her back

Slady = what is the reason behind it

Andy = reason behind attack is that she is not able to harass the girl properly because at the end of that she is also a girl so her mind is be frustrated and trust me guys I have seen this on her face..

Slady = but were she can go

Andy = she can go only on that place where she can get peace or if she didn’t find it then she will put herself in danger (because he was already imaging that in which condition would be his angel)

Slady = call aadi

Andy = what

Slady = yes call aadi

Andy = ok

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