Part 67

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[after sometime all finish their dinner came to living room and what they saw that honey was sleeping on sofa sucking her thumb]

Aadi = so cute (and peak her on cheek)

Andy = (kept her head on his lap) so kaushal what I have to give her in food

Kaushal = give her fruits then milk and don't make her awake if she want to sleep let her sleep and if she can't bear some situation like I saw few min back then keep her away from that type of situation bcz it may affect her health and u know better than me that if situation which she can't bear loud noise and all (explained)

Andy = hmm I will take care of it so guys I think we should go for sleep I mean we have to leave early as that we have reach on time

Kaushal = and yes after reaching there take care of her while giving and food items or else don't give much spicy nor give her cold drink and if she want then make her drink black grape wine (explaining him)

Andy = so let's go for sleep and yes kaushal do one thing stay here bcz it is too late and servant will show u your room (carrying his angel in bridal style and went in)


Andy = (wake up first and freshen up and took bath also and pack some necessary stuff which his angel might be needed and after packing he though to wake her his angel) baby wake up (honey started moving but suddenly started crying) baby why this tear what happen (rub her tears and made her sit on his lap)

Honey = (while shivering tone) andy I saw a dream a very bad dream and in that alya kick into my stomach and I was crying in pain and when u take me to the doctor then doctor said that our love died due to her kick (in childish tone and hug him tightly and started crying out louder and bcz of this all came to their room)

Aadi = what happen why my supergirl is crying (in sweet tone)

Slady = andy what happen to her why this sudden tear (in tensed tone)

Andy = she saw dream in which alya kick her on stomach and our love died (in low voice with some tear)

Slady = (sat beside her cared her hair) see that was just a dream ok nothing is to be worry in that (try to convince her)

Honey = (in childish tone) but what if she do this then we will lost our love (tears were continually flowing)

Slady = but she don't know that u r carrying baby and this is starting phase so even your tummy dump can't be visible so don't worry ok bcz u r my strong girl (and kiss her on head and cheek)

Honey = hmmm (still lost in that dream)

Kaushal = and my cutie pie doesn't look good in this tear so now go and get ready after then I will give u chocolates (and cared her hair )

[trio went out and here by talking sweet random thing with honey andy made her ready like make her bath and all both come to living room]

Andy = good morning mary can you please tell servant to keep our bags in car

Mary = good morning (smiled) ok I will tell them but why my sweetheart is silent

Andy = nothing just show a bad dream (and hug her tightly)

Aadi = hey supergirl don't think so much on that dream bcz it is just dream ok (in joyful tone with smile)

Kaushal = and here is chocolates for my cutie pie (and gave full bag of chocolates and that time only sacchi came)

Sacchi = (went near honey who is sitting on andy's lap) princess my chocolates (in cute tone)

Honey = (made her sit on lap) angel this is your chocolates only take it (gave bag and kiss her on cheeks)

Slady = honey that is your chocolate I will buy new one (try to explain her)

Andy = slady let it be with her even my angel is now growing up and mature so I will buy new one for her (kiss on cheek) right angel (on other side sacchi kissed her and said right princess)

[everyone laugh and even slady capture that moment]

Aadi = guy's I think u should leave now

Slady = honey want did u packed in cloths

Honey = (playing with andy's finger) I don't know bcz andy has done packing

Andy = I have packed only kurti, skirt, dress and sarees

Slady = why saress (confused)

Andy = bcz by listening alya I think mom will not live longer so .....

Slady = hmm

Aadi = ok now go

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