Part 66

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[Trio came home]

Mary = (give water to them) so what are the reports

Andy = aadi u tell I am going bcz her sleep is been disturb (went in tensed tone)

Mary = what happen to him (in tensed tone)

Aadi = (in casual tone with smile) nothing much he will normal once his angel will wake up

[meanwhile slady came]

Slady = where are my love birds (excited)

Aadi = in there room bcz supergirl was feeling sleepy (smiled)

Slady = and what are the reports (tensed)

Aadi = (explained everything) so we have to take care of her

[after sometime andy came out carrying honey sat on sofa chair and honey on his lap sucking his neck]

Slady = andy why your neck is red (in confused)

Andy = (smiled) bcz my angel have suck it too hard (and kiss his angel who is still in half sleep)

Slady = I think u should wake her up bcz now it is lunch

Mary = yes wake her up till I will arrange food on table

Andy = (caring her face with thumb) baby wakey wakey now

Honey = (snuggle) ok but after five min

Andy = no baby wake up now it is time for lunch and my angel's tummy much be hungry (in caring soft tone)

Honey = No I don't want to eat that (sweet tone while doing pout)

Andy = then what my baby want to eat (caring her hair)

Honey = pizza, burger, cupcake, pan cake, pastry, chocolates, ice-cream, jelly cake, thick Oreo shake (started saying)

Andy = (sweet tone) but baby it is not good for your health and even u are weak (but suddenly andy released that what he said)

Honey = (tears started following) I am weak mean my baby is not good in her mummy womb right (shouted and run out in garden)

Slady = (in serious tone) andy what do u did this now go and convinces her

Andy = (went near her and made her sat on his lap) i was saying that if u will eat this all then u will be weak otherwise u r fit and fine

Honey = (in excited) really (then started running) catch me andy (and show her tongue)

Andy = if u want that then it ok (started running behind her even she was giggling and running and entered to living) and here my baby is trapped (and hug even made her sit on his lap)

[andy's phone started ringing]

Andy = hello

Person = hello is andy speaking

Andy = yes but who are u (in blank tone)

Person = it's me alya

Andy = (in angry tone) how dare u to call me (honey started shivering but andy kiss her on lip and was about to cut the phone but)

Alya = (in panic) please don't cut the phone it is important

Andy = (leave honey lip and honey started sucking his neck) what say fast

Alya = it is about your mom, she is not well and only few day is left in her life so please come and meet her bcz she is asking about u daily (in sad tone)

Andy = (in angry and loud tone) why should I come hmm why should I. Is she accepted my wife

(and started blurring things but bcz of this honey started crying, bcz from starting only she never like angry andy)

Slady = (in low tone) andy speak calmly bcz honey is scared see her

Andy = (saw his baby was crying silently) baby see don't cry ok I will speak in low voice ok (and kiss her on eyes and continued with her)

Alya = please come for god (in begging tone)

Honey = (who was listening took the phone from his hand) hello alya don't worry we are coming ok (and gave phone to andy)

Andy = ok we will come but if anyone trying harm or said harmful word's to my angel then I will not think twice before spearing that person (in low but in dangerous tone)

Alya =ok so when u both are coming (in normal tone)

Andy = (asked honey and she said by tomorrow will be leaving) so we will leave by tomorrow (and rest the call)

[aadi and slady was surprise as well as worried for honey's health]

Slady = honey r u out of your mind (in loud tone)

Honey = (started shivering) andy (and started crying)

Andy = (rubbing her tears and caring her hair) shhhh...... baby don't cry see slady is worried for you that's why she just said in high one


[servant open the door]

Kaushal = hello everyone

All = hey

Kaushal = (sat beside aadi) so how is my cutie pie feeling now

Honey = good (smiled)

Kaushal = cutie pie can I ask u one thing

Honey = I know what u want to ask

Kaushal = (confused) what

Honey = you want to know about SHEER right (smile)

Kaushal = yes so u are the heir of the company (excited tone)

Honey = not only me even slady is the one bcz she managed whole interior design department and I managed whole fashion designing department and apart from that we are also know as ethical twin (smiled)

Slady = so can we go for dinner (in plane tone)

Andy = yes why not

[all went to dinning table and sitting arrangement were like honey on andy's lap besides them kaushal and opposite of them aadi and slady with sacchi in her lap then servant started serving food]

Slady = guy take care and as special of honey bcz u know how she reach when someone suddenly start shouting even u also be carefully speak in low voice (explaining him)

Sacchi = mom where prince and princess are going (in sweet tone)

Slady = angel they going India for some work (sacchi became sad) don't worry they will come as soon as possible right (seen toward andy with confused look)

Andy = (who is feeding his angel) yes we will come fast

Kaushal = but why are you guys going India I mean cutie pie need rest (in sweet tone) and when u r going for India

Andy = tomorrow itself (smiled)

Kaushal = did u booked the tickets (in worried tone)

Honey = I have my private jet so we will go in that (while playing with spoon)

Andy = (jerk that spoon from her hand) I told that never play with it bcz spoon is used for eating food so never ok (in damn serious tone)

Honey = (who is shivering) ok (stand up from his lap went to living room)

Aadi = u should not have to scold her like this (in low voice) now see what she will do to herself and even she didn't completed her food (in tensed tone)

Andy = don't worry she already have finished her food and that's why she was playing with spoon (smiled)

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