Part 80

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(Now in honey cabin)

Andy - (opening half door) may I come in

Honey - yes Mr. Andy.. Have a sit...

Andy - can't just for an hour we can talk like normal person.. Please

Honey - (removed her blazer and glasses and sat on couch) yes say..

Andy - (without waiting he took her in tight hug and started caring her hair..) Angel why so angry today.. I mean you know right it's dangerous for our baby even you denied for lunch.. Like if you will do this type of things then that mineral, protein, calcium which baby needs from mother will be in less amount.. And if baby will eat up all this then your health be critical.. Try to understand angel this much stress, high temper, shouting, panicking, is highly dangerous and damage toward both of you.. (Caring her cheek) (and somewhere down he knows that honey is feeling sorry for her behavior. The way she reacted with him)

Honey - I am sorry.. Andy.. (Started crying)

Andy - (made her sit on his lap and hug protecting manner) shh.. Angel see I know you were doing your job and if I would be on your place then probably I would have done same thing which you did.. But now the matter is don't denied for food and medicine.. And for that kaushal have made time table for you food and medicine.. So can I order food now..

Honey - yes.. But you have feed me then only.. And one thing on a serious note never speak in between or never cut my talk.. And you will sit with me on my chair... 😊and yes if find that something is going wrong or you sense that then you have full authorities to take action but first you have to inform me who is he or she and there name so I can find that if they are dangerous or not.. Because sometimes even rivals are also there and you better know from that incident that how dangerous they can turn out..

Andy - ok and when we have to go home I mean must be some times right

(Someone knocked the door and it was food for honey.. Servant kept food on table and went out)

Honey - yes but I don't follow because it's my style..

Andy - means

Honey - go and ask any of the worker in this emperor about me and they we say that "she is tornado storm.. Wherever she enter enter in main gate all the employees start running here and there and when she enter in main door everyone is like freeze body.. Only there hands are working.." And I like this type of environment..

Andy - but when we are going home

Honey - after completing this file..

Andy - if you don't mind can I ask you something

Honey - yes of course.. You are husband..

Andy - what is this file about I mean you are reading it so seriously..

Honey - in file there are name of model so I was sorting for the photoshoot.. And some models are like we have contract sign up so he we to just give a call , they have to come without any excuse..

Andy - ok now have your food..

[After having lunch]

Andy - so did you brought your medicine...

Honey - actually I forgot 😋

Andy - ok don't worry now do your work ok i am sit here..

Honey - if you free then, why don't you go through budget file...

Andy - yes why not.. Give me..

Honey - (gave files) here you go and there is any changes then put sick note on that page so that we can change it later..

Andy - ok

[Both were doing there work silently but suddenly honey spot something in file]

Honey - (put file on table and call Peterson) Peterson(shouted) right now in my cabin and come with slady (in angry tone)

(Within few minutes both were in her cabin)

Slady - what happen! Why so worked up..

Honey - like seriously you are asking me this.. Then you have to see this... (Give file to slady)

Andy - is anything wrong...

Honey - Mr. Andy you have your work to do.. So please concentrate on that (fake smile) so slady what is this, I mean when did you sign a contract with him..

Slady - (looking in file) who him!.. I mean with whom I sign contract.. And basically it's your department.. So it's you who have done not me.. So now stop shouting

Honey - but you should have stopped me

Slady - firstly stop speaking in riddle way and who is he.. What is name of the person..

Honey - armaan Malik.. (In faded tone) we have signed lifetime contract with him.. As show topper.. Even our company has been given him all the payments in advance... (In low tone)

Slady - it's ok honey.. We never imagine that life will turn 360 degree in a moment.. Right.. And I hope you understand..

Andy - do you have any problem if he comes for shoot.. (In serious tone) because I don't have any problem if come here for photoshoot.. Even if he stay in our villa it's totally fine..

Honey - hmm ok.. So Peterson make a call to armaan and give me the phone I will inform him.. And tell Mary to keep room right even tell her armaan is coming.. With his son who is 4 year old..

Peterson -ok ma'am

Andy - how do you know that he will come with his son.. And how do you know that he has son..

Slady- yes..

Honey - (she was totally confused and started shivering due to fear..) Wo.. Wo I.. Just.. Came.. Across the.. Files.. No no I mean documents.. I mean post... (She herself was confused how to answer there questions...)

(After leaving was hard to stay away from him so she appointed a person who will give daily report about armaan life but it was secret from Andy and slady)

Slady - ok ok relax clam down, we don't want to know about anything

Peterson- ma'am sir is on call (give it to her)

{Honey to armaan}

Honey - (in polite soft tone) hello armaan.. (Tears were on verge but she was controlling)

Armaan - (situation is same tears were on verge) hi honey..

Honey - actually I called you to inform that there is photoshoot and as you know that you are my.. I mean our show topper.. So you have to come here in Paris.. And you will stay in my villa..

Armaan - ok I will be there but when I have to come..

Honey - after 2 month.. And date I will message you.. Even don't need to book tickets.. My private plane will come to pick up.. And yes while packing bags keep warm clothes

Armaan - (he was smiling ) yes..

Honey - ok then byee

{Cut the call before armaan can say anything}

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