Part 71

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[Nurse started plugging wires in honey body but she was under observation. After sometime kaushal call both of them in his cabin which was connected to the observation room]

Andy = (was all shuttered to see his angel was surrounded by wire because of his carelessness) so is there any problem (in tensed)

Kaushal = actually due to travelling her body has because damn weak and this causes more danger to both of them, she is still in unconscious state her body response is also not good I worried about her condition . about baby then there is a serious problem, don't panic but listen me with all your attention

Andy = yes say (making himself strong)

Kaushal =there is problem in the growth of baby...bcz it been one month and the heart is still not beating, I mean to say is that there is no heart growth of baby it there causes to miss carriage bcz if this will happen then we have to go for miss carriage operation. But don't worry there are medicine but we have to take care of her like a feather otherwise you know what I am trying to say (tears in his eye bcz he himself was helpless that he can't do anything)

Andy = (he was all shock ) means our baby is not good, its all my mistake my bleedy mistake , how I was so careless....(broke down in tears)

Aadi = please be strong for your angel she needs you very badly (explaining him)

Kaushal = guys do one take honey back home and if she ask what happen to her then tell her that due to this journey her body need rest and give my name to say that I have told to sleep whole day not even sitting just lay down until 4 month is not starting.... Not even that u just keep her in prison just take her out go for log drive make her wake on seashore, in morning make her wake on wet green.. make her mood happy , and yes there will be heavy load of medicine and injection to keep her health make her eat lot of food bcz due to high power medicine we have to keep her inner body cell cool

Nurse = doctor honey is normal now ..

[trio went in]

Honey = (in all blank and with tear she was out of control) why I am her andy ,why am I not well, what happen to our baby , I know something have happen to me, I know my baby is not well (she is crying like hell, she was acting vulnerable)

Aadi = nurse give her injection so that she sleep

[trio hold honey and honey was shouting crying but after given injection she slept and took her to home back]

[honey in andy's arm and aadi enter]

Slady = what happen to her... why u took her to the hospital all of the sudden (tensed tone)

Andy = open to my room I will explain you...

[all went to room andy made honey lay down careful and sat beside her and started caring her temper]

Andy = (told whole story what happen in india)so what's why we came and second reason of going to hospital is that to do check up of and there we came to know that the heart of our baby is not grown only heart is not beating only kaushal said that there is treatment but if that treatment doesn't go properly then we may have to go for miss carriage operation to take baby out.. (tears were rolling down) but I will not leave that sagar not at all

Slady = u don't have to do anything once honey will be back she will destroy him like anything (smirk)

Andy = no she need proper rest till 9month I will not allow her to even walk....

Slady = she don't need to walk only her one call is enough to destroy him...

Aadi = now stop all this shit, for now most important is our supergirl and her baby, so u go and try to spend more time with her ok she needs you but no physical action bcz her body is already must more weak

Slady = yes be with her 24 *7 please.. bcz I can't see her like this ...I want my old honey back (in serious tone)and don't start blaming yourself ever ok now go

Andy = so that remembers me that alya will come here in searching for job and at that time out company will provide job to her in fashion designing department, as honey will not go to office in place of her I will visit office 4 days in month and it's your responsibility to make her hell busy with work that she can't think about any evil plan , even you have to take care that she is doing her work perfect and she will stall in our out house so we can't keep an eye on her even I will gift combo of earring but that will be a micro speaker and tracker so if she slip under our nose then we can catch her. Because according to angel she will take revenge ... this the plan

Slady = this plan is of honey! Am I right

Andy = yes it her plan bcz she knew that she is burning in jealousy by seeing successful, happiness of us....

Aadi = dude supergirl is hell dangerous woman (in serious tone )

Andy = so I am going ok

[ that time only sacchi came and hug andy]

Andy = [carry her in his arms and kiss her all over face bcz he was missing her like hell] sacchi how are your my cutie pie

Sacchi = I am fine but where is princess ?

Andy = princess is sleeping

Sacchi = oho I wanted to play with both all but now no one will play with (made sad face)

Andy = who told u that if princess will not play then no one will play , we all are there to play with even butler and mary will also play with us right mary

Mary = (came from kitchen) yes why we all will play with our little cutie pie, so what you want to play

Sacchi = hide and seek and aadi will give den

Slady = sacchi call him uncle he is elder then u (explained her)

Aadi = it's ok I only told her to address me like this bcz I don't like uncle thing, dude It sounds like I am 60's (making cute puppy face and made all laugh)

Slady = but andy u stay with honey, what if she wake up and want something... even she start crying also if she don't fine u besides you ..

Sacchi = so prince will not play (in sad tone)

Andy = no I will play with you and slady if honey will wake up then baby monitor will inform lets go to garden and aadi no cheating ok

Sacchi = yes aadi no cheating (copying of andy by tone and action)

Aadi =ok miss 

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