Part 8

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Slady = did u captured that all moment (EXCITED)

Andy= yes I did because she my baby, my angel my everything (kiss her on cheek)

Slady = can I say ask you something (in confused)

Andy= yes....

Slady = still u will say her baby when u both have baby!!!!!!

Andy= (laugh out loud) yes I will because that would our baby but this is only and only my baby no one can snatch from me, and to have baby is like next to impossible (hug her tightly)

Slady = why?

Andy= because she not allowing me to do that  (in blank tone)

Slady = so what try to make her understand do some emotional black mailing (in forcing tone)

Andy= NO because I don't want do it forcefully nor by doing emotionally, if she wanted to do she will come to me because we have already discuss about. And then by seeing her face I thought that she need some time or her body need some time to accept the now NO discussion about this topic in front of her because I have seen her like that she want to also have one and once see said in playful manner also. Because when she see sacchi sometime her hormones started horny but I know it that it is just few min of attraction so I just take her in a tight hug so she can sleep well. And u know now a days she is been addicted of my warm. If sometime I get up early to do some work she also get up with me .and even if I am not there she stop sleeping and taking food and if she take then it take in very little amount because always I feed her that why. So sometime I get worried to leave her alone because, one day I was bit late and when I reached home I saw her sleeping on sofa without having dinner. And because of that she had fever of weakness. And reason behind today's body pain is like that only so I told you not to give pill, because eating pill without having proper meal is like damaging body. And her body is so much fragile that I have to held her very much carefully.

Slady = hmm (thinking about honey )

Andy= slady can I ask u one thing related to her....

Slady = yes why not (with smile)

Andy= did she have pain during monthly cycle (in confused tone)

Slady = not regularly but it happen sometime and at that time she is in worst condition ever, because I have seen her like that (in worry tone)

Andy= hmm thanks for this information

Slady = listen one thing if pain is there don't give her any pill nor injection just make her busy in some work but work should which she can do while seating on bed or sofa, give her more pamper because she need it more. And if she shout on you without any reason please forgive her. Don't get angry on her.

Andy= yes but in this many month I never show her like u describe (trying to remember)

Slady = this was happen already many time but sometimes it doesn't highlight. Did u remember the day when u tie her hmm

Andy= yes......

Slady = that day she was in period that why she was throwing tantrum on you.

Andy= so let's wake up my sleeping beauty

Slady = hmm 

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