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[ honey woke in jerk directly went to the room were praxa was there. she saw maya was already arrive and praxa is in deep sleep but she don’t know which type of  dangerous  things is going to have with her because now there was not limit of her anger, she was totally out of control due to anger but this anger was not good for her health because it will directly reacting with her brain]

Maya = hello ma’am good morning (with warm smile)

Honey = very good morning maya (with smile) so what is state of this girl because I told you that she should be woke up when i arrive. It was your duty to wake up her so what r you doing now (in bit anger tone😡)

Maya =(bit scare) ma’am from last half hour I am try to wake up her but she is in too deep sleep

Honey = hmm so now time to wake up her (with evil smile) maya bring cold water and ice cube also, even bring hot water along with it and it would be too much hot that her skin should become red like blood (😠in frustrated tone)

Maya = yes ma’am

[After sometime maya bring all the thing honey have told her bring]

Maya =ma’am here is all the thing

Honey = great job maya good going (with smile)

[to wake up her honey shouted louder like anything near ear of praxa but unlucky door was not close so all wake up by listening honey voice and came running in that room even they saw the  water and anger of honey. All were just stepping there step in room but honey said ]

Honey = if u can't bearable this torcher then please go and if you want to see it then stand in that corner and not a word from mouth even don’t try to stop me otherwise the result will be  worst

[all sat in chair near corner]

Andy = angel just for last time listen to me please (with sweet cute face)

Honey = ok say

Andy =see you are taking revenge it ok go on but in that now you are damaging yourself by doing this must of anger so my angel be careful (and kiss her forehead)

Honey = done with your emotionally blackmail hmm (in serious tone)

[Honey once again in louder voice praxa………………………..]

Praxa = (wake up in jerk) what the hell are you out of mind (she shout)

Honey = (in anger and in high voice) lower your voice u bastard bleedy bitch this is no your home (and slap her)

Praxa = you (but stop in between)

Honey = don’t try to even alter a word otherwise you will be in worst situation (smirk) maya come with that cool water first

Maya = but ma’am here I mean water will flow on floor even room will be dirty

Honey = I think u r right so let’s go to terrace cabin

Maya = yes

[all went to terrace including andy, slady, aadi]

Honey = now pour that cool water on her but first of all open that bandage

[maya open it bandage after that body of praxa was red and was burning her skin]

Slady = honey what u r doing see her skin

Honey = shut up (in anger)

Maya = ma’am I will pour that water

Honey = hmm lets take her in and u all stay out but don’t worry u can see and even u can listen some of her voice

[trio went in and pour that cold water with ice cube even then maya pour that hot water and by that praxa was crying and shouting like hell. After a while they came out and once again praxa was wrap under bandage and kept her again in that room even honey came out and went to her room]

Slady = andy now it’s right time to go with her and cool down

Aadi = yes but first keep yourself clam

Andy = Oooooi I know how to handle my sweet baby

Slady = (giggle) but for your kind information your sweet baby is now angry tigress so be safe (laugh loud)

Andy = my dear slady tigress can never hurt her tiger so now if your promise can I go now😏

Slady = yes

Slady = yes

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