Part 74

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Alya - (in sugar covered word) hey andy how are you...

Andy - (in straight tone) what do want...

Alya - actually I am in Paris so I don't know where to go, so can you send me your house address so I can come...

Andy - (in straight voice)stop showing me your fake formality. wait there I am sending my driver.. Just send me your location my driver will be there in few minutes...

Alya - (super excited tone) thank you and I am sending location...

Andy - bye... (And cut the call before alya can speak anything)

Alya - (evil smile) so now I am here, I Will separate Andy and honey.... And By doing this Andy will be my.... Only my

[Car came to receive her]

Andy - (went to the kitchen were Butler's along with Mary are doing some work) guys (all turn there face toward andy) Mary make room ready clean it..

Mary - (in excited tone) anyone is coming..

Andy - yes.. My Ex-wife alya. (In rude tone)

[Alya arrived and Mary greet her and made her sat on sofa and offer water. At that time kaushal, aadi, slady with sacchi in her arms came down]

Slady - (she know alya bcz she have seen her with Andy in past..) Hey alya! How was your flu. (Taking sacchi in her lap)

Alya - good good. (But she was acting like she was searching for someone)

Slady - so let me introduce with all.. (Pointing towards aadi and kaushal) he is aadi and kaushal, friend of honey

Alya - hello (smile)

[At that time Andy came with honey in his arms and sat near aadi]

Aadi - so how is my Supergirl feeling.. (In soft tone)

Honey - good (smile)

Kaushal - why don't you both go out just for drive... Until dinner is been ready.. (Smiling)

Slady - ya it's good idea, even honey will feel better.... (Smile) but take some fruit juice with you...

Andy - (to honey who is sitting on his lap like cocoon) angel you want to go out.. (In soft tone) you will feel good.. Trust me

Honey - ok..

Aadi - so done... Now you both go get ready, till Mary will pack orange juice for you.. (And kiss on her head)

[But suddenly alya spoke]

Alya - can I joint with you guys

Andy - ya why not.. But next for sure because now I want to be with her after the drama happens in India... (In sarcastic and cold tone.. And went to the room)

[Both came out ]

Slady - so any thought where to go...

Andy - yes we going to Parc des Buttes-Chaumont park.

Andy - yes we going to Parc des Buttes-Chaumont park

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Aadi - oh that's nice place...

Kaushal - so what you are waiting for go... And yes take this bottle....

Andy - (smile and take the bottle and turn towards alya) alya feel free if you want something you can ask Mary.. She will help you...

[Both went out]

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