Part 68

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[ both sat in jet and soon they were landed in india, when they came out alya was already there to received them]

Alya = hello andy (try to hug him but just forwarded his hand)

Andy = hey how is mom now (taking honey in side hug)

Alya = she is good

Andy = and yes she is my wife honey (and gave kiss on her head)

Honey = hi (was about to hug her but she step back and spoiled her face which was notice by andy)

Andy = alya let's go home (and kiss honey on her cheek bcz she was feeling sad bcz of alya behavior)


[in home leena mother of andy and raj father of andy ]

Leena = hello my son how are (in cheerful tone and hug him but andy didn't leave honey's hug)

Andy = hey mom how are you (with fake smile)

Raj =hello my son long time back (with smile)

Alya = guys they have long journey so let go for sleep we will talk about all this tomorrow (trying to example)

Leena = wait (in angry tone) why that girl is with you I told you that don't call that girl along with andy then why that bitch is there , bcz of that slut only my son have leave me alone and went with her and here sh.. (andy cut her in between bcz honey was shivering due to this type scene even andy was also angry bcz he can't hear a single word against his angel)

Andy = stop it mom and listen me every clearly from now if there will be a single tear drop in my angel's eye then on the spot I will leave this place bcz I can't see my angel unhappy (start climbing ladder but stop in between) and u should thank to her bcz she made me understood that why I can here

Leena = (standing down) I will not leave u bitch bcz of you today my son is speaking with me so badly, I will kill u

[honey started shivering more so andy just carry her in bridal style]

Andy = MOM hear me louder one little wound or cut on her body and I destroy you all so think before even looking toward her (his anger was out of control and went to room which have balcony and in that there swing)

[andy made her sit on bed but she so scared and worry about his hubby's anger]

Honey = (in very sweet tone) andy....

Andy = hmm my baby what happen (made her sit on his lap and care her hair)

Honey = I want to change my cloth but I am tired so please help me in changing (in innocent tone)

Andy = ok wait I will bring clothes (smile)

[after bring clothes he remove outer clothes so now she was in her bra and pent , seeing her like that andy's anger started melting even honey hug him tightly and in that position only both lay done . andy started roaming his hand on her back and on the front side he started kissing her on shoulder cleavage , every corner of neck, and after that he started sucking her lips it was bit hurtful for her bcz this kiss was for releasing his anger even blood started coming and at that time he recognized than he remove her bra and started pressing one br**st other was in his mouth, his other hand was caring vagina, honey was moaning very badly but after sometimes he released she must be tired so he hug her tightly and cover both with duvet]


[andy wake up first and made her wear his shirt and went to freshen up after sometime honey woke and don't find andy nearby so she went to balcony, after a while andy came saw his baby standing]

Andy = (hug for back tightly) so my baby woke up (kiss on her neck) or still feeling sleepy

Honey = feeling sleepy and tired (tired tone)

Andy = (carry her in his arm and sat on bed with her and stroke her hair back of ears) then they my angel wake up (in cute tone)

Honey = but your angel feeling empty with her andy (in sad tone)

Andy = ok so now u r woke up then let's do one thing, first u freshen up then u can sleep till lunch and after lunch u can sleep again till dinner ok bcz I know my both babies are tired of this journey (and put his hand on her belly and kiss on there)

Honey = feeling make me bath bcz I am feeling so exhaust (in dull tone)

Andy = (to make her happy) so today I will make my baby bath (take her to bathroom)

[andy made her sat in bathtub and start the tap of warm water and andy start putting her cloth, after that he started cleaning her body with his hand not even with scrub bcz it might hurt her body and get scratch but when he was massaging her hair someone knock at the door so andy spoke from bathroom]

Andy = who's there (in bit loud tone but bcz of that honey shiver but andy kiss her on head)

Alya = it's me andy, actually mom got heart attack so we have to take her to hospital so please come fast (in panic tone)

Andy = actually I am shaving so u guys take her to hospital we will reach sooner (in serious tone)

Alya = don't try to fool me ok I know u r with that slut (in angry tone)

Andy = (his anger rise to top level) shut up ok just keep your mouth shut and mind your language before you speak up and yes I want to know true then yes I am making her bath, so I will come with her and u all are speaking bad thing to her but did u all know bcz of her only I came here otherwise I was not ready come only, so now get lost (in anger)

Alya = ok u so I am going with mom (in angry tone)

[alya went to hospital with his mom and dad]

Andy = don't listen whatever that bitch say to you ok (and kiss her on head)

[andy started cleaning honey with water and soon honey was done with bathing session, andy dry her body and on head he rap towel bcz her hair were wet and made her wear cloth. After that he started drying hair with dryer and went down towards kitchen]

Andy = angel what do you want to eat tell me I will make it for you and our baby (and kiss on her belly)

Honey = whatever is good for my health just made that (with smile)

Andy = ok my baby so I will vegetable oats with extra cheese (and peak on her lip)

Honey = (in excited tone) I will love it

Andy = so sit here only I will make breakfast (and made her sit near by him)

[with so chatting but in that also honey just speaking continue and andy was listening her with smiling face. breakfast was ready, andy feed her and after that both went to hospital]


[trio where in ICU room bcz doctor has suggested that she might that attack again so they kept her under observation]

Andy = (enter in room with his angel in side hug and saw doctor was checking his mom) so doctor how happen to her all of sudden

Doctor = nothing to worry gentleman she is now totally fine that was minor heart attack that's it (smiled and went out)

Andy = (went near her) how are u feeling now mom (and put his hand on her hand)

Leena = i am not feeling good and this attack is also the reason behind it (in angry tone)

Andy = (confused tone) what is the reason

Leena = this bitch (and pointed toward honey) bcz of her only I got attack 

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