Part 21

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Andy= (carry her toward bedroom and made sleep) just wait I am coming (after sometime he came with a water bottle) drink this

Honey = whole bottle at a time (in childish tone)

Andy= yes angel u have to ok wait I will make you drink it

Honey = ok (completed bottle)

Andy= now u take rest I will make some milk juice (cover her with duvet)

Honey = don't leave me it's still hurting (andy was about to go but she held his hand)

Andy= I will come just in few minutes (bend down and kiss on her belly) so i will be ok

Honey = (continue tears rolling out and speaking andy while closing her eye) andy.............andy..................andy......andy.......andy............andy...... (moving her head side by side)

Andy= (came with jug full of milk juice) you have to finish this all and after that ice-cream.

[honey started having it and finish it and even ice-cream also was finish. After that andy came with other bottle of water and said to drink in few-few min and along with that he came with a bowl of cold water and wipes]

Honey = what is there in that bowl (in childish tone)

Andy= angel its cold water and wipes (kiss on cheek)

Honey = but why this (sweet confused tone)

Andy= because by putting wet wipes on your stomach it will help to cool down the burning in side stomach (caring her cheeks)

Honey = ok

Andy= (slowly remove her t shirt up till stomach is visible and kiss on her belly) don't it will slow down you hurt

Honey = (shiver by cool touch of andy's hand) hmm

Andy= (start putting wipes while caring her hair and in between even ask her to drink water) now ok or shall I continue

Honey = now it alright and now come and hug me tightly (tried smiled)

Andy= I will but for that I just go and put this thing in kitchen and yes finish that bottle fast so I can bring new one

Honey = (finish bottle) complete

Andy= (take it and kiss her while say) good my sweet angel

[after all keeping andy came and suddenly honey hug him]

Andy= hey chill relax I am here with u cool down take breath ok (and started rubbing her belly)

Honey = its ok (snuggle)

Andy= tell me one thing because of me why did u surf from this, I mean it is would too much pain to u while it was in your body and even while you were eating your lips must be burning. But why if u can't eat this much spicy then no need to make spicy food because I can't not see my angel in this state. So from tomorrow onwards no spicy at home and that is final (and stuck her both lip even not leaving corner of it and after some time he stop)

Honey = ok my hubby but now I don't want to sleep (hide her face in his chest)

Andy= so what u want to do (made her see toward him)

Honey = I want to go out near pool (in low tone)

Andy= ok lets go (and carry her in his arms and went to pool side)

Honey = I just want sit here in your hug and want to watch stars and moon because from so many days I have not seen them (while looking toward sky)

Andy= ok but I seeing moon daily (smirk smile)

Honey = what u come daily here to see sky alone very bad (childish angry tone)

Andy= no I have no need to come and see moon here because it is already with me (kiss her on head)

Honey = ( give confuse look) what!!!!

Andy= u r my moon and if u r here then I have no need to see other moon (hugged her more tightly)

Honey = same with me I want see star but how can I because I already own it for life time (kissed on cheek)

Andy= (pull her cheeks and suddenly carry her in bridal style and go to bed room and made her sleep on middle of bed and starting kissing her both arms (as because t-shirt was sleeveless) and then started kiss her on face like sometimes on eye, nose earlobe and after kiss on lip. and then came down and started kissing her on neck and even honey side to give more access to him and he kiss her back neck. There was not a single corner left on neck to kiss he was half on her like his leg were on her thigh and his body was in some distance away from her body to touch. And then he came down move her t-shirt bit up and started kissing and slowly come up but honey stop him even andy move side by smiling and hug her but still his leg were like in same position. Honey was totally under his body (<it seem like andy is hugging teddy>)

Andy= is it was too much for you then sorry (in worry tone)

Honey = no its not like that but I too have feeling all of sudden doing this It weird for me I know u have already done this with alya but I have not It was my first time so please I am requesting can go slow (convincing tone)

Andy= ok as my angel say now have a sleep but before that did u drink water

Honey = wait I will ( and drink water)

Andy= now come and sleep

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