let's see some future moment

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Honey = I am coming

[honey started finding but all of sudden her head started spinning heavy and fallen down, while falling down her hand touch flower van and it broke down and by listening that sound all came out running and saw fainted honey. Andy take her in his arms and went to the room and on the other side slady called aadi]

Andy= what happen to my angel slady? Why always her (moist eye)

Slady = see nothing is going to happen to honey ok so be strong

After a while aadi came to check his supergirl

Aadi = what happen to her

Andy= (in bit angry tone) we don't know that why we call you

Aadi = (check her and smile) guy she is totally fine and congratulations you are going to be dad

Andy= (smiling like fool bcz his happiness was out of control) what!

Aadi = yes (hug him even slady hug him)

[honey slowly open her eye]

Honey = what happen to me guys why are you see me like this

Andy= (hug her tightly) thank u soo much for this gift

Honey = what gift

Andy= (keep his hand on her belly) this gift

Honey = what !!! (in tears)

Andy= yes u r going to become mom 


Andy= angel so what is time of paris flight

Honey= 5am

Andy= so after buying eating ice-cream will go back ok baby (in sweet tone)

Honey = ok

[while driving andy saw ice-cream parlor went out to buy ice-cream and came back in car and started feeding honey and honey was feeding sacchi after completing that then came home]

Slady = so what is time of flight

Andy= 5am

Honey = so what I am think that lets sleep together in room bcz it's is already 11:00pm

Aadi = ok


Slady = (to aadi and andy) wake up

Andy= slady listen first we trio will freshen up then will we wake up our baby's

Aadi = andy still baby (in tensing tone)

Andy= yes and now lets go bcz we have to leave this home at 3:30am (with smile)

All when for freshen up and was after half n hour

Aadi = slady, andy u both go wake your baby (sound heavy on baby)

Both went in room and what they saw it was empty so they just call their name

Honey = (from bathroom with sacchi doing brush) andy I am here (and run toward him even he hug her)

Slady = (even sacchi did same) so my both cute-pie is wake – up without her mom

Sacchi = no princess wake –up me (and smile towards her)

Andy= slady u take sacchi and make her ready and here I will make my baby

Slady = ok (when to other room)

Andy= u complete your brush then I will make u ready

Honey = so u will make me bath and u will help me to wear my clothes (in excited)

Andy= (kiss on head) yes baby I will so now u go I am coming

[after sometime honey finished her brush and andy made her bath and wiped her and make her wear comfortable clothes and even he himself]


[in home leena mother of andy and raj father of andy ]

Leena = hello my son how are (in cheerful tone and hug him but andy didn't leave honey's hug)

Andy = hey mom how are you (with fake smile)

Raj =hello my son long time back (with smile)

Alya = guys they have long journey so let go for sleep we will talk about all this tomorrow (trying to example)

Leena = wait (in angry tone) why that girl is with you I told you that don't call that girl along with andy then why that bitch is there , bcz of that slut only my son have leave me alone and went with her and here sh.. (andy cut her in between bcz honey was shivering due to this type scene even andy was also angry bcz he can't hear a single word against his angel)

Andy = stop it mom and listen me every clearly from now if there will be a single tear drop in my angel's eye then on the spot I will leave this place bcz I can't see my angel unhappy (start climbing ladder but stop in between) and u should thank to her bcz she made me understood that why I can here

Leena = (standing down) I will not leave u bitch bcz of you today my son is speaking with me so badly, I will kill u

[honey started shivering more so andy just carry her in bridal style]

Andy = MOM hear me louder one little wound or cut on her body and I destroy you all so think before even looking toward her (his anger was out of control and went to room which have balcony and in that there swing)


Andy = (full angry mode) mom (shouted) watch your tongue before u speak ok and the girl to whom u are telling slut is one of my biggest reason I came here, yes she forced me and made me understood to came here.

Leena = but bcz of her u both separated (in low tone)

Andy = not bcz of her, bcz of alya

Raj = what ? (shocking tone)

Andy = yes dad bcz of her own reasons we have divorce, firstly she abort the baby (with moist eye)

Raj = what I mean when all this thing happen (in angry tone) tell me clearly

Andy = yes dad so listen one day I was coming back to home my bike but in middle I saw alya entering to hospital so I stop the bike and started following her and what I see was surprising she when to gynecologic doctor and that doctor was my friend so I call him and told to keep call on so I can listen what alya is saying bcz I was damn excited bcz I have bit idea that she was pregnant with my baby but what I listen was really shocking for me ..(tears were flowing continually while telling this to his dad but honey made him sit on sofa and kiss on his head and cheeks to suck his tears bcz even honey was crying silently and take his hand and putted on her belly to feeling there love and andy started caring her belly and started saying) she said that she want to abort our child... (gasp) even doctor ask her that did her husband know about this then she said YES that BLEEDY YES, I can't see that so went to home and act like I don't know anything after few hours she can back, I ask where she have gone then she answer me that she went for kitty party , so I just left the topic and though that there might some problem in the growth of baby and that's why she abort it, but later I when that doctor call me and said that baby and mother were totally fine after listening that I was broken in millions of piece I was to depressed that I started taking pill but later I control my feeling, after that situation my life was bit difficult to live and four month passed and letter came from office that I have to go for business tour for 3 weeks I was sad I have to leave alya alone but this also turn up worst.... 

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