part -42

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[slady came in aney (andy+honey=aney)and saw that both are sleeping with cute smile on andy face☺ but honey face was dull😞]

Slady = morning aney (in cheerful tone 😃)

Andy = (wake up and move bit) good morning😌

Honey = (due to sudden move she got scared and wake up with jerk and shout) andy were are you going wait I will help you (she didn’t even notice that slady is there in room and stand up on bed on knee and made andy rest on head rest) don’t move even inch without me and tell me if u want to move your hand or u want to go for washroom ok (in bit serious)

Andy = ok moma (he said this to make her happy but)

Honey = it's not time for fun, nor time to smile andy, now stand up and go for freshen up

Slady = honey!!!!!!!! Did u even think what u spoke just now? (and see toward andy)

Honey = ohh I …I am sorry I am really very sorry (and few drops of tear🥺😢😥 flow down) andy I am sorry

Andy = its ok

Honey = come let go and freshen up together

Slady = yes but just only freshen up only not any other thing (smirk and making fun of both)

Honey = (give serious look) andy u sit I will keep our clothes and fill tub with water (but suddenly thing strike that if water will touch then bandage will wet and it harm to wound) nooo wait not bath for u andy I will just wipe your body

Andy = as u wish

Slady = ok I will prepare breakfast for us

Sacchi = (came in room and sat on honey lap and move in between of honey and andy) I miss u prince (and tears started flowing)

Andy = (hug her) hey sacchi stop crying because firstly it don’t look good now you and secondly is rights of crying is only for angel (speak while making cute puppy pout on his face and saw towards honey how was in deep though) right angel

Honey = hmm

Slady = hey were r u lost

Honey = no were and u be here until I  come back from bathroom

Slady = yes we r here only u go ok

Honey = ok and andy be careful

Andy = ok now go

[honey went for bath and here slady and andy are sitting]

Andy = slady I think angel has been change

Slady = honey is not change but she is scared, and because of that she is acting serious. She is scared of losing you😞

Andy = but because of this she have stop  everything like smiling, laughing, giggling,blushing...she has been isolated soul again.. 😔

Slady = don’t worry once u get normal then u can making her normal. Do some romance with her I think by this she will at least start smiling.🙂

Andy = that is good idea😃

[honey came out wearing her shorts and crop top]

Honey = ok so slady u go out  because I have make him freshen up and wipe his body

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Honey = ok so slady u go out  because I have make him freshen up and wipe his body

Slady = ok chill baby I was going only I will not see your andy nude ok (smile at her)

Honey = (serious face) It's not time from cracking jokes, now go and prepare breakfast

[slady and sacchi went out and here honey wipes andy body and after cleaning made him wear boxer and sleeveless t-shirt]

[slady and sacchi went out and here honey wipes andy body and after cleaning made him wear boxer and sleeveless t-shirt]

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Andy = angel r u ok

Honey = (busy in arranging medicine stuff of andy) hmm

Andy = angel come here

Honey = hmmm (and instead of going toward andy she went out because she was disturb even her mind is mess up so she was just doing thing which she was thinking. She has been lifeless soul after this accident)

Andy = hey angel were r u going

[but she already went out]

Andy = (self talk) I have do something otherwise she will destroy herself. I know that she is angry, sad, and want to cry heart out but as she is acting strong infront of me, so that I can’t become weak seeing her crying face. And angry with me, because I didn’t listen her and went in bike instead of car.

Slady = honey were r u going

Honey = (silent tears were continuous😢😭 flowing) hmm

Slady = (run towards her and made her sit on sofa and side hug her tightly) hey honey what happen sweetheart why r u so disturb hmm and why this tears

Honey = (she again made herself strong) nothing I was going out to see that if all cctv camera are working or not (giving fake smile and towards kitchen)

Slady = (with loud voice) I know honey u r acting strong from out side but some were inside your heart is breaking zillions times and u r destroying and killing yourself as becoming to yourself monster. Please stop this please stop hurting yourself. Even I know that u r not taking proper care of yourself like taking less amount of food, water, sleep. Why honey why you are giving punishment to yourself (with moist eye🥺)

Honey = ( with tear😢😓) I have to punish myself because I failed to save andy did u listen that I failed, and whenever I see andy I see my failure in him. That how can anyone just come and hurt my andy,  and top most I can’t do anything because andy have taken promise from me that I will not try to find that who was behind this plan.

[and this all was listen by andy because conversation between honey and slady was bit louder..]


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