Part 2

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I am sat in my black Aldi a3  typing the address Demi has given me into the satnav, apparently it's going to take me an hour and a half to drive there, I roll my eyes at the distance and start the car and start the drive. 

I arrive at the destination and pull up to a house that is gated off, I pull up to the black gates and spot a little grey box with a small button it on. I press the button and then hear a ringing noise. Moments later I hear a " hello?" a women's voice with an thick accent rings through my hears " hey, I'm hear for the pet sitters interview" I explain " oh hi, Saraya come through" she says and the gates slowly open. I drive up to the house and park in the driveway they have and knock on the door. I didn't have to wait long before the door opens and a tall women that's around 5ft 9inchs, she's wearing a grey crop top, black ripped jeans and black and white vans, her hair is down and soft and at shoulder length and he has no makeup on. " hey, come on in" she smiles and moves aside and I walk in. 

The house is very clean, the house is simply with it being all white with black decor. I come through to door and we are walk though a hall way. " I'm Demi, welcome to my home" she smiles " thanks" I return her smile " come this way" she says and walks into a room and I follow her, we are in the lounge are and it's decorated with a black, soft three seater sofa and another two seater sofa next to it, there's a black coffee table, a few lamps and a huge tv on the wall. Demi sits on the three seater sofa and I sit on the two seater one and we adjust our bodies to face each other. " so, how you doing" she smiles " yeah I'm good, you?" I ask " I'm well" she chuckles " so your hear for the house sitting job, tell me bout yourself" she looks at me with those deep, dark blue eyes. " well, I'm 26, I grew up about an hour away from her, ermm, I studied animal care and wellbeing in school." I explain " that's cool, so if one of the dogs become unwell or hurt you could tend to them?" she asked " erm, well in a way yeah, I know what to do in most situations but I wouldn't so anything apart from the basics without a vet's advise" I explain and Demi nods being happy with my answer.  " how flexible can you be, because there might be times are I might have to ask asap as I may be called to work without warning" she asked " erm, I am quite flexible. With that being said, there might be times where I could be looking after someone else's pet or house" I explain and she nods. " right that's enough questioning, let me walk you through the house so you know where everything is" Demi says standing up. " Demi?" I call following her out of the room " yeah?" she answers opening the room opposite the lounge. I'm a bit confused on why you are showing me around if it's not confirmed that I even got the job?" I say " well to be honest with you Saraya, I'm on a tight schedule, and although I have to be careful on who I bring in to my house, I planned on giving the job to the first person who applied, which was you" she smiles" how do you know I'm not a criminal" I ask making a joke, lucky she caught on " because my manager did all the checks needed" she winks at me and I look at her in shock which makes her laugh even more.  " this is my office, this is where I do my home interviews and promo's" she explains and I walk in. There's a huge black throne as her sit with a pc on a matte black desk and there's just some gothic black decor around the room. " pretty cool" I giggle and she chuckles " if I'm ever in here, please do not disturb" she says and I nod. We walk down the hall and it opens up into the kitchen and dining room. " this obviously the kitchen and dining room, quite self explanatory" she chuckles " erm, cooking tools are in here" she says point to a cupboard next to the oven and plates and things are in here" she says pointing to another cupboard, I just nod so she knows I'm following  her. " okay, the last part of the house is up stairs" she says " follow me" she says and begins to walk up stairs. " so, here is the main bathroom" she says I pop my head in as the door is already open and it's just a basic bathroom there's a shower, a bath tub and a toilet. " this room here is Matt's office, his in here right now so we're just gonna skip that" she chuckles and I nod with a chuckle " here is the room you will be staying in" she says opening the door, I walk in and the room is basic but cute, there's a king size bed, a lamp, two bedside tables, one on each side, a tv on the wall, there's a basic white wardrobe and the flooring is carpet. " cute" I say " that's basically the house, wanna meet the pups" she smiles " obviously" I roll my eyes playfully and Demi laughs. Demi opens a room to which seems to be her bedroom and two dogs come running out, Demi bends down and plays with them, she picks up the small brown dog which is a pomsky  " this is Luna" she smiles as Luna licks her face " hey Luna" I say petting her head and she licks my hand. Demi puts Luna down and there's a big brown and white English Bull Terrer at her feet. " and this big boy is Barry" she kneels down, I kneel down with her and pet him too. " Barry is a little crazy, very vocal but his a big bear and loves a cuddle, with Luna she's friendly but a bit less needy for attention" she chuckles " understood" I giggle. " let's go into the kitchen to finalize things" she smiles " okay" I return her beautiful smile. We walk towards the stairs and as we reach outside Matt's office, Demi trips over a pair of shoes outside the door. I catch her to stop her from falling. " thanks" she blushes " it's okay" I chuckle, Demi straightens herself out " excuse me for a moment" she says. Demi turns and swings the door open " Matthew what have I told you about leaving your shit outside the door, I nearly fell down the fucking stairs" she says angrily " settle down Dem's its not that deep" Matt chuckles and I couldn't help but chuckle. Matt moves his chair and looks behind Demi at me " oh, hey there you must be Saraya" he says in the same accent then Demi's but much more heavier and deeper. " hey" I smile at him. I look at him and I recognise him from somewhere and then I look at Demi and I know her from somewhere too " wait, where do I know you guys from" I ask and they both look at me and then each other and chuckle " tv probably, mate" Matt chuckles. I look around Matt's office and there's a load of different colour belts hung up on the wall, then it comes to me " wait, you guys wrestle right?" I ask " yeah" Demi chuckles sitting on Matt's lap " I take it you don't watch it?" Matt asked " no, but my brother does and that where I know you from Demi" I explain and Demi nods " I didn't see you though Matt, I only know you face because my brother showed me a picture of you two" I explain and Matt's chuckles " I'll forever be known as Rhea Ripley's boyfriend" he chuckles " that's right, baby" Demi laughs ruffling Matt's down curly hair. " I left WWE a few years back and now I wrestle for a different company called AEW" Matt explains and I nod. " right let's wrap this up, I'm sure you got things to do" Demi says and we leave Matt to do whatever he was doing and we head for the kitchen. 

We sit at the dinning room table and Demi pulls a few pieces of paper out from a envelop. " I don't want to be dramatic, but here's a contract." she says handing me the papers " it's basically just a small contract stating that you will not give out any of our information, like address, numbers, keys and passcode." she explains and I nod as I read it " I mean as you can see we are pretty laid back and chilled but doing what we do as jobs, we do get some weirdo's that try and track as down as we just have to protect ourselves, ya know" she explains " I understand, Demi" I smile at her. To be fair to her and Matt the contract is small and reasonable and far from dramatic. " have you got a pen, I left my bag in the car?" I ask " oh, here" she says and hands me a pen, I sigh the contract after reading it and hand it back to Demi. " thanks, Saraya" she smiles  " I have a question" I say " shoot" she says " so, it states that I can not share your address, which I get but can I give my girlfriend it just in case something happens" I ask " your girlfriend?" she raise her slit eyebrow " shit, I should of mentioned before, yeah I have a girlfriend. I hope it doesn't affect the job" I ask anxiously. Demi just laughs " why would it?" she questions " I know some people have a problems with that kinda stuff" I shrug. " I don't, Matt might though" she sighs " oh" I say hanging my head and Demi just laughs " I'm fucking with ya, we don't have a problem with it, I mean I'm pretty sure like 80 percent of my fanbase are from the LBGTQ+ community and I love it, Matt his chill" she laughs and I chuckle more at her laugh. " alright then" I say. 

Demi see's me to the front door, I give the dogs a quick pet goodbye, " I will keep in contact if anything changes but the dates should remain the same" Demi says " that's cool" I smile. We say goodbye and I get in my car and drive home.

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