Part 37

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It's our last day in Australia, We have spent the day with Anna, Peter and Calista watching movies and later Anna and Peter and going to take me, Demi, Calista and Kheenen for a nice, fancy meal. Demi has been quite most of the day, I think it's because Dom lost last night and every time I ask if she's okay she just brushes it off. The film finishes " right girls, the table is booked for 7pm" Anna states " better start getting then" Calista stands up and walks out of the living room. I make my way to the bedroom, I open the door and I see Demi sitting on the edge of the bed with her hands " hey, you okay?" I ask standing in front of her. Demi looks up at me with her teary eyes, Demi quickly wipes her eyes " hey what's wrong" I ask sitting on her lap. Demi wraps her arms around me " sorry, I just hate leaving and I find  it so hard" she sniffs. I hug her " it's understandable, I can only imagine how hard it is " is all I can say, it's got to be hard to because she doesn't know when she is going to see her family next.  " it's just confusing because when I'm in America I miss here, I miss my family but when I'm here I miss my WWE family, Dom, Dam, Fin, Cathy, Raquel all off them. Like I'm excited to go back to see them, I just hate the goodbyes here" Demi mumbles into the crock of my neck. I gently lift her head up so she can look me in the eyes. " I know it's hard for both you and your family but the goodbyes aren't forever, just remember  they love you and are very proud of you and what you have done in the short time you have been at WWE and at your age too, your still young and still have your whole life ahead of you. We are all proud of you" I tell her. Demi just stares as me for a minute, probably possessing what I just said. " thank you, Raya" she smiles, I wipe a tear away with the pad of my thumb. " you're way to beautiful to cry" I tell her and Demi rolls her eyes but chuckles. " I love you" she chuckles " I love you more" I smile at her. Demi leans up and kisses me, obviously I return the kiss and it gets hot and passionate, I pull away and Demi looks disappointed " we have to get ready" I say trying to get off her lap, Demi pulls me back and kisses me again " If we don't stop we won't make the meal, or the plane home" I tell her. Demi just looks at me then nods and lets me go so we can get ready for the meal.

Peter drives me, Demi and Anna to the restaurant, Kheenen his drive himself and Calista. We meet them outside, we enter the restaurant and a lovely waiter sits us down on a circular table. We order our food and drinks. " so, Saraya how did you find your time in Australia?" Peter asked, making conversation. " yeah, I have had the best time here" I smile. " that's good sweety" Anna Smiles. We continue to eat and have conversations about my time here, I have loved my time here, I have loved my time with the Bennett's and I can only imagine how Demi feels because I'm going to miss them so much. After a few hours we decide a night as me ad Demi have to be up early for our plane home.

Me and Demi are saying goodbyes to her family " thank you for having me" I hug Anna and Peter " you're more then welcome hon, until next time" Anna says into the hug. Me and Demi walk into the airport and for our gate, We enter the plane and find our seats. Once we have found our seats I put my headphones in and play a movie, I offer a headphone to Demi but she just nods no and lays her head on my lap, I feel her shaking a bit and wetness coming through my leggings meaning she must be ' secretly' crying, I pretend I don't know but I play with her hair to try and give her some comfort. Once Demi's breathing changes to indicate she is asleep, I focus on the movie I put on until tiredness takes over me.

We get home and Demi has been quite pretty much the whole time, we say hello to our babies Luna and Barry and thank Damian for house sitting and looking after the dogs. Once Damian goes we are both to tired to cook so I order us some food, Demi only eats half of her meal and then goes to shower and sleep. Once I let Barry and Luna out into the garden for a quick bathroom, I shower and climb into bed next to an already sleeping Demi. 

I get woken up by a loud bang on the front door, I groan and feel Demi leave the bed with Barry and Luna running and barking next to her. I leave the bedroom to find Dom in our living room clearly upset about something. " Dom calm down, what did Paul say?" Demi says trying to calm her best friend " he said that, erm, that JD he--- he-- his replacing me in the judgment day" Dom sobs    

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