Part 29

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I am currently backstage of a WWE show helping Cathy pick something to wear for the show.  " how abot this one?" I ask showing Cathy a black dress. " I don't feel like a dress today" she says looking through her clothes. " ohh I like these" I say picking out some leather leggings " yes, with er.... this" she says picking out a black bralette top and a dark green blazer. I watch as Cathy does her interviews, working with Cathy is cool, I basically get paid to sit and talk to a friend all day and ocassionally bring her a drink or food and help her pick something to wear and help do her makeup and ocassionally annoy Demi and the rest of TJD.

" want anything from catering?" I ask Cathy " oh erm," she takes a moment to think. " peach tea please" she smiles and I nod and walk to catering. I enter catering, I grab Cathy her tea and myself a mango and orange smoothie and head back to Cathy. On the way I bumb into Liv and Raquel and we talk whilst walking then we bumb into Shotzi, Bayley and Iyo dakota and we get talking to them. Before I know it I have been gone half an hour. " shit better get back to Cathy" I chuckle, I say goodbye tot he women and make the short walk back. " what the hell happened to you, I'm dehydrated" Cathy laughs. " sorry got caught up by Liv and her gang" I explain " it's okay, I was just worried" Cathy chuckles and I hand her, her drink. I spend the rest of the day helping Cathy with her interviews and making tiktoks, now it's home time. 

" what shall we have for dinner" Demi asked getting out of the car, " I fancy spicy noodles" I say opening the front door. " your a spicy noodle" Demi laughs " the fuck" I laugh. Me and Demi make some noodles with chicken, mixed pepers, chilli and a sweet chilli sauce for dinner.  We eat together at the dining table and fall into conversation as we eat, after we finish I tidy up as Demi cooked, as I put away the last bits away my phone starts ringing. 

" hello?" I an answer 

" Raya, is Luke with you?" my mum asked getting straight to the point, sounds worried.

" no, why?" I asked confused 

" he hasn't been to school today and his not been home all day and I'm worried" my mum explains 

" his probably just bunked off, come on we have all done it, look how many times I did it. Luke's at that age now." I try and reinsure her .

" I don't know Raya, you was always somewhere safe, I don't know with Luke. His easily led." she says sadly. " you dad has been out looking for him but we can't find him, maybe you know where he could be" she asked 

I sigh " I don't know mum, I know one place he might be but other than that I really don't know" I tell her. 

" can you check?" she asked 

" mum, it's late and me and Dem are tired" I inform her 

" please?" she pleads 

" fine, if his there, I'm kicking his ass" I huff

" please do" my mum laughs 

" I will let you know when I get there" I say. We say our goodbyes and I get ready to leave the house. " what's going on" Demi asked with concern evident in her Australian accent. I explain what my mum tells me. " I'm coming with you" she states and I just nod knowing I wouldn't beat her stubbornness.

I get in the passenger seat and direct Demi on where to go. " go down this road here and then turn left" I instruct her. We reach to the place I need to be and I see a group of teenagers sitting on this bench, " I'll be back" I say to Demi as I climb out of the car. I walk up to the group and see my brother. " home, now" I say sternly, Luke looks up at me from his sitting position and his eyes are red and blood shot and he just giggles at me. " oi Luke, your sister's leng still" one of the boys say. " Luke, move" I snap and he stands up " oi Luke, you gonna let her talk to you like that" the same boy giggles " shut your mouth" I snap at him. " I wonder if your bite is as big as your bonda" he laughs " fuck around and find out" I say with an raise eyebrow. " move, now" I snap at Luke and he starts walking towards the car. " you high and drunk?" I ask him, " no" he giggles " funny, you smell like weed and vodka and your eyes tell me different" I look up at the tall sibling.  Luke doesn't say anything he just looks down and gets into the car,  I tell Demi to drive to our house so Luke can sleep it off.

 The next morning, me and Demi are sitting in the living room drinking some coffee watching something on the tv when Luke stumbles in. " morning" I laugh at the state of him and he flips me off making me laugh even more. " went some food?" Demi chuckles " ew, no" Luke says slumping on the sofa, making me and Demi laugh. A few hours later I take Luke home.

" why aren't you mad at him" Luke asked as I'm driving. " why would I be? I was doing it when I was your age, probably doing worser things" I giggle " so I know what it's like, your young, you want to have fun" I explain and he nods. We get out the car and Luke opens the front door, my mum and dad are waiting in the lounge. I stay for about an hour then make my way home. 

I get home and Demi is in the living room on her laptop. " what ya doing" I ask sitting next to her " looking at flights to Australia" she explains " oh cool" I smile at her 

" come Australia with me" she asked 

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