Part 35

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Calista is currently driving me and Demi to the mall " so what you guys planning on buying?" Calista asked, making conversation. "I don't know, I'm just going to look aimlessly" I explain. " and you?" Calista says quickly looking at Demi and the back on the road. " I'm not sure, maybe some jewellery" Demi shrugs.  

Calista parks in the malls car park, me and Demi wait by the car whilst Calista goes to the machine to pay for the parking, she skips back waving the ticket "got it" she sings  making me laugh and Demi just shakes her head but smiling. Demi takes my hand and we walk into the mall. as we walk through the two huge glass double automatic doors " you ready to sped all of Demi's money" Calista smirks at me " I mean... sure" I shrug with a chuckle " Alright, let's go" Calista grabs my hand and practically drags me to the closest shop. I pick up some clothes and put them into my basket and then walk over to Demi and Calista who are in a different section of the shop. " done?" Demi asked " yeah" I smile, Demi smirks and then grabs my basket ad runs off towards the check out " the fuck, Demi" I call back and I hear her and Calista laughing as she walks off. I stand near the checkout exit and wait and watch as Demi pays for mine, hers and Calista's stuff. 

" what was that?" I ask as we exit the shop " am I not allowed to treat my girlfriend?" Demi smiles at me and hands me the bags " it's just you know how I feel about you spending your money on me" I playfully pout at her and Demi laughs " don't worry Raya, it's tradition. Every time Dem's comes home she takes me to the mall and spoils me" Calista chuckles " I just want to treat you like the pretty princess you are" Demi chuckles and kisses me " I am a princess" I smile playfully " yeah, a pillow princess" Demi smirks and I playfully smack her arm, causing Demi and Calista to laugh. We spend the rest of the day shopping and then we go for something to eat.

We get home around 7pm and I saw Anna what I got and spend some time talking with her before heading upstairs to Demi's room. I walk into the room and Demi is already laying on her bed on her phone " where can I put these" I ask holding up my bags. " just put them in the wardrobe and we'll sort them out when we pack" she says looking up from her phone. I open the wardrobe door and something falls on me. " whoa, shit" I say as I catch it. " you good?" Demi asked climbing off the bed to help me. I look at what fell and I laugh " no fucking way" I'm in fits of laughter. " what?" Demi asked. I pull out the thing that fell on me and Demi looks a it in shock, then embarrassment which makes me laugh even more. " I didn't know the Miz was here" I laugh " shut it" Demi goes more embarrassed " he be cute though" I laugh and hug the life sized cut out of the Miz. " I thought I got rid of that when I moved" she sighs which makes me laugh even harder. " you girls alright?" Anna chuckles as she pops her head around the door. 
" look what I found" I show Anna and she bust out laughing too " guys come on, I was a teenager with a stupid crush" Demi chuckles " but the Miz?" I question " he's an attractive ma" Demi defends herself " true" I shrug " wait until I see him" I laugh " he already knows" Demi blushes " wait, is that Rhea 'bloody' Ripley blushing" I laugh "shut it" Demi chuckles " well night girlies" Anna smiles, We say good night to Anna and we take turns to shower change for bed. Me and Demi settle down and we put the film Saw and cuddle up. There is a knock on the door " yeah?" Demi shouts, the door swings open and Calista walks through the door " hey" she smiles and climbs onto the bed " what do you want?" Demi chuckles " me and Kheenen are going to the beach tomorrow if you guys want to come?" she smiles at us. I look at Demi " want to go?" Demi asked " yeah, it'll be fun" I smile " okay, what time?" Demi asked Calista. " Kheenen is coming for 12" Calista explains " what you guys watching?" she asked turning towards the tv " saw" Demi simply says " ohh can I watch?" she asked and Demi throws a pillow and blanket at her and she snuggles up at the bottom of the bed. 

The film finishes and we can hear light snores coming from the bottom of the bed, I look at Demi and we both giggle. Demi climbs out of bed " always the first to fall asleep" Demi chuckles. Demi gentle picks Calista up with ease and carries her to her room. Demi comes back and climbs into bed, she straddles me and I place my hands on her hips. " I wish you knew how much I love you" she whispers " well, you make feel loved" I tell her looking into her dark blue eyes, she places her hand on my cheek and smiles, I melt into her touch " I love you too" I smile up at her and she crashes her lips against mine and I fall back " I told you, you was a pillow  princess" she chuckles as she snakes her hand down my underwear.  

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