Part 34

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We are currently sat at the airport waiting to be called so we can board the plane, " I'm bored" Calista moans " not long now honey" Anna smiles " wanna go check out duty free?" I offer " yes!" Calista says excitedly. Me and Calista head off to duty free shop, we walk in and scout around and look aimlessly at the items in the store. " I dare you to buy Demi this" Calista laughs holding a huge jar of vegemite, I laugh " she actually ran out of that stuff the other day" I chuckle and take it off her and out it in my basket.

We leave the shop and walk back to where the rest of the family are sitting. " hey, I got you something" I smile widely at Demi and she chuckles slightly " what is it" she asked taking the bag, I look at Calista and we chuckle " oh, is Cal involved. I'm in for it" Demi laughs " well, Cal dared me to buy it but you actually need some soo.... it made sense" I chuckle. Demi looks into the bag and laughs " oh my god" she laughs and pulls the huge tub of vegemite out of the bag and Peter and Anna laugh. We get called to board the plane and we find our sits and get ready for the long plane ride to Australia

I get woken up by someone playing with my hair, I groan and hear Demi giggle " baby, wake up we are landing soon" Demi says softly and kisses my forehead, I snuggle up to Demi " five more minute's?" I ask sleepily, Demi chuckles " babe, if your not awake in five minutes, I will leave you on the plane" Demi laughs evilly I open my eyes and look at her " you wouldn't" I chuckle and stretch " fuck around and find out" she laughs with an eyebrow raised  " remember the last time you said that" I chuckle, Demi takes a second and then she remembers " I do" she smirks at me. We grab our hand luggage and leave the plane, once we go through passport patrol we grab our bigger luggage and then Peter drives us to the Bennett household. 

We make it to the house, Demi takes our cases into the house and up to her room whilst Anna gives me a quick show around on where everything is. " come let me show you Dem's room" Anna smiles, I nod and we head up stairs. There's a door open a little bit, Anna knocks and pushes it open and we see Demi unpacking, she turns and smiles at us. I walk in the room and its exactly how you would picture a young Demi's room would be, there's surf boards on the wall, pictures of her and her loved ones, the furniture was black and the walls are white. " I will leave you girls to it" Anna smiles " thanks Anna" I smile and Demi just nods with a smile and Anna leaves the room and closes the door.  I look at the pictures Demi has on her wall, she looks young and happy, she has long blonde hair and in some pictures, a face off of make up. " barbie Demi though" I laugh " shut up" she laughs "nxt Rhea is something" I smirk and Demi just laughs even more. Demi lays on the bed and yawns " I need a nap" she says sleepily. I yawn and I come to realise that I am also drained from the travel. " you slept on the plane, how are you still tired" Demi chuckles " I was rudely woken" I playfully roll my eyes, Demi laughs and lays back " come here" she smiles. I climb onto the bed and cuddle up to Demi, she kissed my forehead as I lay my head on her chest. Demi plays with my hair as my eyes get heavy and moments later I am asleep.

My eyes flatter open and I'm still on Demi, Demi is still sound asleep. She looks so peaceful, at ease and so beautiful. I move some of her soft black hair from her face that has fallen whilst she was sleeping. As I move the strand of hair her eyes flatter open and I'm staring into her big dark blue eyes. " hey" she smiles " hey" I smile back and lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips. 

Me and Demi take turns in showering and changing clothes and the we head down in to the living room to find Peter, Anna and Calista watching tv. " hey sleepy heads, nice nap?" Anna chuckles " yeah, it was needed" I chuckle and sit in between Demi and Calista. 

We didn't do anything special in the evening, we just chilled watched some tv, had dinner and played some card games. Calista has agreed to take me to the mall tomorrow so that should be fun. Now me and Demi are back into bed watching friends and scrolling through our phones. I lock my phone and lay down and then I feel Demi cuddle up to me and I fall asleep in the comfort of my girlfriends arms. 

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