Part 14

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It's been a week since everything went down at Katie's house, me, Demi and the two dogs have been living in a hotel penthouse. Yeah it's pretty much a small apartment but it's so small, like I would trip over the dogs sometimes or bump into Demi accidently, I lost my job because the pet sitting business shut down so, it's just frustrating and I know Demi feels the same and it's taking a toll on us as we snap at each other sometimes no meaning to. 

We sitting on the small sofa after just coming back from a very long walk, "babe, look at this cute house" Demi says handing me her phone, " wow" I say swiping at the pictures. The house is truly stunning " how much is it" I ask and she just side eyes me " don't side eye me bitch" I chuckle and she laughs and rolls her eyes and shows me the prize of the house and my jaw drops. " Dem, I can't afford to pay towards that, I don't even have a job right now" I say " shouldn't off fucked your boss then" Demi laughs and has a cheeky smile on her face" babe, I'm serious" I groan " I'll buy it" she shrugs  "I am not with you because you earn good money and you can by all of these beautiful houses and cars and everything you want and could buy me. I'm with you because of Demi Bennett, not Rhea Ripley" I say. Demi sighs again " Saraya, we are in a shit situation right now, we are leaving in a box and out of our suitcases, just let me take control of this and let me get us somewhere stable to live so we can move on and forward,  and stop being stubborn and just let me help and support you until you find a job and back on your own feet. I need a place to life too you know, I can't spend another night in here, it's driving us crazy" she says and I think about it and just nod to agree because at the end of the day, she right, we can't live like this. 

I wake up to a text from Katie saying your shit is packed meet your dad here for 2pm. I don't respond I just start getting ready. 

I climb out of the uber outside Katies and her and my dad are already bring my stuff to the car " hey Raya" my dad says " hi" I say grabbing a box and putting it in the boot. I make eye contact with Katie, she looks at me and all I see is hurt and heartache in her eyes, but she snaps out of it and walks back into the house and brings more stuff out. " that's all of it" she says to my dad " alright" my dads says we pile the boxes in and I just climb in the passenger side of the car " thanks Richard" Katie smiles, my dad just gives her a sympathetic smile and climbs in the car and we drive off. My parents agree to let me use my old bedroom as like a storage room until me and Demi find somewhere stable to live. 

We arrive at my parents and me and my dad start carrying things into the house and into the room, once the things are in the house I quickly go through to see if I need anything, I pick out a few things and then go down the stairs and head into the kitchen where my parents and brother are, But as I walk in my mother doesn't even look at my she just walks out and goes into the living room. " don't worry about her" my dad says handing me a cup of tea. " yo, do you know how mad it is that my sister is dating Rhea Ripley, I'm basically her brother in law. That's a mad flex" Luke laughs " don't say anything, we haven't gone public yet" I explain " where are you staying, I would of thought she would have a bigger house considering the money she makes" my dad asked " we're living in a small hotel" I explain " that's low-key sad" my brother chuckles " well, shouldn't of cheated then" I hear and I turn and see my mother walk in " babe" my dad says trying to get her to shut up " no, she needs to hear that she fucked up" my mum says angerly " I know I did" I say " why did you do it, I never raised a liar or a cheater" my mum snaps. " I don't know mum, maybe the sex was better, maybe I needed something different in my life" I snap " Rhea does look like she knows what she's doing" my brother laughs and I chuckle " oh she does" I wink at him and we both laugh " I'm glad you both find this funny" my mum spat " I'm not going to explain myself mum, it's not like you would understand nor have to even tried talking to me or listen to me anyways" I shrug " I can't even look at you right now" my mum snaps " cool" is all I say and walk out the house, ignoring the calls from my brother and dad.

I basically spent the night crying in Demi's arms, I think all of the emotions from everything that's happened, with it happening so quickly has all come out at once. Demi was so comforting and caring and supportive and just let me get it all out, I fell asleep with her holding me.  

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