Part 24

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Demi/ Rhea's POV

It's been two weeks since Saraya walked out and I still haven't recovered from it, I just want her back, back home, in my arms. Home hasn't been the same without her, it's quite and lonely, even the dogs are missing her. 

I have one for travel to do tomorrow for a night then I have a few weeks off, which is rare for me as I am a champion. I begin to pack an over night bag and other things I may need, I once I have done that I take the dogs for a walk and shower and get into bed.

I get woken up by a banging on my front door. what the fuck  I think as I stumble to the door with the dogs barking by my side, I open the door to see a smiling Dom " morning sunshine" he smiles " your early" I groan but move aside so he can come in. " nope, your late" he says petting Luna " what?" I frown " I said we will be hear at 10am, it's now 20 minutes past and judging by the looks of you, you've just woke up" he chuckles. " what?, I set my alarm" I ask confused. Dom laughs and shows me his watch and stated that he is in fact right " shit" I mumble and Dom laughs " you have ten min before Fin drives off" he laughs and I run into the bedroom to find my phone charger wasn't switched on, fuck sake  I mutter to myself, I switch it on so it can charge whilst I get ready. 

I grab my stuff and ran out the house to Fin beeping the car " hurry up, we are now half an hour behind" he moans and I roll my eyes and get into the car. " oh, I forgo-" I was about to joke but Fin cuts me off " get fucked, Rhea. Go without" he snaps and we all laugh as Fin drives out of my drive way. " all jokes aside, anyone got a portable charger" I ask " here, princesa" Damian leans over from the passenger seat and hands me his portable charger " thanks" I smile at him as I take it.  

The drive to the next show was boring and uneventful, the most exciting thing about it was stopping to get a bite to eat and Damian shoving Dom's face in some cake thing Dom was eating. 

We arrive at the arena and as always there's fans waiting out side cheering and shouting for autographs and photos. I stop for a few photo's and sign a few things before going in and finding our locker room. 

We head out to the ring and Judgement day attack Sami and Kevin, as we are walking up the ramp, Raquel comes out hobbling on a crutch. I laugh at her and limp taking the piss out of her and Dom does the same, we laugh at her and he throws the  crutch at me and I catch it and then she boots me in the chest sending me flying back down the ramp. Then all of a sudden Candice La Rae and Roxanne come running down and attack me, making it a three on one. I do my best to defend myself and Dom and the official's do their best to get the three women off of me. I notice my trainer has came off so I pick it up and throw it in Candice face and the three women get escorted away, before they get pushed to the back, Raquel announces that she's medically cleared to wrestle and she challenge's me to a match for my title at pay back. 

The Fin and Damian have a match against Sami and Kevin but it is not for the title. As the match starts I notice my back stinging a bit " Dom, what's my back like?" I ask him " yesshhh, you have a cut on your hip and it's bleeding" Dom explains. Dom uses his flannel to stop the bleeding and then sits me down on some steps and puts my shoe back on. The match goes back and forth and then the tag champs at control, to help Fin, Dom climbs up on the apron and Sami kicks him back down, but I catch him. I set Dom on his feet and climb up on the apron " hey, don't you dare hurt my Dom,Dom" I shout at Sami. Sami just shrugs and runs at me, I duck and Sami goes flying over me and on to Dom. I look at them in shock and the crow goes crazy. The match continues and the match ends with Damian being pinned by Kevin. As the bell rings The three boys attack Sami and Kevin, Cody Rhodes comes running down to help but the guys beat him up too, they end up putting Sami through the announcers table and then Fin coup de grace Cody and we leave the ring laughing. 

We head back to our hotel, shower and then meet back up for some dinner. After dinner I go back into my hotel room, I lay on my bed and start to think, this about Saraya, why would Matt do this. I mean I know why and I kind of get it, we hurt him and his out for revenge to hurt us the way we hurt him. I grab my phone and watch the video. Matt sent it to me as well, threating me saying he will leak it but shut his mouth once I told him that he filmed without my consent and he would go to jail. I rewatch it over and over again thinking there's some  way of proving to Saraya I didn't do it. I rewatch it again and I spot something, I zoom in and it confirms what I was thinking. I check the date again and then something else clicks, I go into my emails and confirm that too. Now that I have two things to confirm I didn't cheat.

I text Saraya for the reason time in nearly three weeks. 

Me: hey can we talk i need to show you something?

I wait anxiously for a reply twisting my rings in the mean time. I jump when I hear my phone ding. 

Ray-Ray🖤: yes meet me in the lobby of the hotel we stayed at

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