Part 44

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As the day before I get woken up by my horrid alarm, but this time it stops almost immediately and I feel my girlfriend plant small and soft kisses on my face, I smile and open my eyes and I'm met with those big, bright green eyes I get lost in every time I look into them. " hey" I smile " morning, baby" we have to leave in forty-five" she informs me.  I nod and close my eyes again, I hear Saraya laugh and she shakes me "come on lazy bum, get up" she chuckles. I open my eyes and quickly grab her and roll up so I'm hovering over her. I have some blonde hair that has fallen in her face " you're so beautiful" I tell her and she smiles and I see her cheeks turn red. I lean down and kiss her, I let her deepen the kiss by allowing her to invade my mouth with her tongue, I kiss down her neck and she squeezes my bum causing me to moan a little. " Dem, we really need to get ready to pick up your family and get to the airport" she explains breathlessly. I sigh and roll off her knowing that she is right, but neither one of us wanted to stop. " shower with me" I ask rolling over to look at her " so needy" she chuckles " only when it  comes to you" I say kissing her cheek and I climb out of bed and head for the bathroom " I'm first" I hear and feel a sharp slap on my bum which makes  me yelp and Saraya running off laughing " bitch" I say chasing after her, I grab her and pick her up making her scream in excitement and hoist her over my shoulder and slap her bum which makes her laugh. I carry her to the bathroom and set her down and turn on the shower, we both jump in and quickly shower. I get dressed in a Mary Wyatt KARA high neck crop top and the matching NEPHILIM sweatpants and my white converses and Saraya dresses in one of my motionless in white hoodies and comes down to her thighs and biker shorts and black and white vans. Saraya carries the bags down as she wont let me as my arm is hurting even though I argue that I'm fine and her defence is that the stiches in my arm tells her I'm not and I just roll my eyes at her. I get into the passenger side as she wont let me drive either, Saraya starts to drive as I connect my phone to the speaker and put I prevail- Self- destruction full blast. 

We pull up outside the hotel and I tell my parents that we are outside, not long later I see my family exit the hotel and walk towards the car, I help out and help them put their bags in the trunk and the Saraya drives us to the airport. " how's your arm Dem" my dad asked, I turn to face him " yeah its fine, it stings a bit but nothing I can't handle" I smile at him " when do you need the stitches removed" my mum asked " oh there dissolvable, so I just have to keep it patched up for a couple of weeks and it'll be fine" I explain. 

We arrived to the airport and we hand the keys back to the rental company and then we check in and get a coffee and some breakfast before our flight. Calista and my parents are in the three row seats and me and Saraya are behind them, Saraya puts on a movies for us to keep entertained for the two and a half hour flight. 

We finally land in Adelaide and we find my dads car and he drives us to my parents house. 

I take mine and Saraya's bags into my room and put the clothes away and then I sit on the bed scrolling through social media sharing some things my fans have tagged me in. The door slowly opens and my mum pops her head in " hey" she says I look up from my phone " hey" I smile setting my phone down on the bed and my mum walks in " you okay?" she asked sitting next to me " yeah, just a little tired" I explain and she nods " well your girlfriend and sister are running riot down there, come down when your ready" my mum chuckles and starts to get off the bed " mum" I call back " yeah?" she turns around and sits back on the bed. " what's your honest opinion on Saraya" I ask twiddling with a ring, my mum takes a deep breath, taking a moment to think about what to say. " erm, honestly speaking I didn't like what you done to Matt, his a lovely bloke and he deserved better, he did nothing but love you and treat you right and I didn't like the fact that I find out about what you did but about your sexuality online. not from you, you know we would accept you for who you are. But speaking on Raya, I like her, she's bubbly, funny and sweet and I can tell she loves you and you love her." my mum tells me " more than anything" I smile  " your father is very fond of her too and Calista, well Calista loves her you should see them down stairs right now" my mum chuckles " why do you ask" my mum asked with concern in her thick Aussie accent " because she's the one mum" I tell her " I going to marry her, make her my wife and when all said and done, a mum too" I smile at my mum. 

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