Part 26

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Saraya's POV

I wake up and the bed is empty, no dogs, no Demi. I sit up and look around, the en-suite bathroom door was open indicating that Demi is not in there and the dogs aren't in the room either. I get out of our huge bed and stumble out of the room and go and find Demi. 

I find Demi standing by the stove cooking breakfast. " something smells good" I say walking into the kitchen. Demi turns around and smiles at me " morning beautiful" she says before turning back around to the stove. I wrap my arms around the taller women's waist and lean up and kiss her cheek.  Demi smiles and turns around and kisses me on the lips, I smile into the kiss which makes her deepen it. Demi pushes me against the kitchen counter, squeezing my butt cheeks at the same time. Demi then picks me up so I'm sat on the counter and deepens the kiss again, as Demi slides her tongue past my lips the fire alarm goes off and the pan is smoking. Demi quickly sorts it out as I'm still sitting on the counter, once the smoke clears and the pan is in the sink, Demi just looks at me and starts laughing which then courses me to laugh. " well, breakfast has gone the drain, literally, let's order" she snickers and I roll my eyes at her pun. Demi sit's down on a stool and scrolls through her phone, I sit down next to her " what was you making anyway" I ask her " omelette" she says handing me the phone. I choose what I want and hand the phone back to Demi, she orders the food then we move to the living room. 

 We eat out food whilst watching dragon ball-z " so, what are you plans for your couple of weeks off" I ask Demi, wiping my mouth with a napkin. ! I'm not sure yet, I need a rest that's for sure, maybe fly home and see my family" she shrugs " that'll be cool, when was the last time you saw them?" I ask " erm, WrestleMania" she says with a hint of sadness " that's a long time" I admit " yeah, it's a sacrifice I had to make to achieve my dreams" she states giving me a small, weak smile. The one thing I have learnt and love about Demi, is that she is such a family person and to her nothing is more important too her. " but I will decide later, right now, something else has my attention" she smirks and staddles me. Demi cups my face and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I move my hands for her hips to her bum and give it a hard squeeze causing her to moan on my lips. " I love you" she whispers. " I love you too" I tell her.

" hey, Dom has messaged me saying the guys are going for a drink. You wanna go?" Demi asked looking over her phone. I feel bored I agree to the offer and then me and Demi get ready to go and me the guys.

We get out of the uber and walk into a bar. The flashing lights, loud music and the sound of people talking hit me as we walk through. Demi takes my hand and guides me to the bar, we order our drinks " up there" she says pointing to the VIP area. Demi takes my hand and guides me up the stairs to the group of people waiting for us. I a shocked with the amount of people who are here. There's Dom, Marie, Damian, Fin, Vero, Cathy, Liv, Bo, Raquel, Bray and a petite beautiful women next to Bray so I' assuming that's Jojo . " that's a lot of people" I anxiously chuckle to Demi. " you'll be fine" she smiles and kisses my cheek. We join the group, Demi sits next to Liv and Bo and I sit next to Bray and Dom. 

 An hour in and a good few drinks deep, me and Bray are laughing at Dom, Dom is just naturally funny and even funnier when its unintentional. " I'm hungry" Dom says picking up a menu " oh, chicken tenders" Dom coo's and me and Bray just look at each other and start laughing again. " Raya, come and dance" Jojo comes walking up to me. " oh, I dont---" I go to say and Jojo and Cathy pull me up by my hands and drag me to the dance floor. 

I spend the next half an hour dancing with Jojo and Cathy and then Vero and Liv join us. I spend the next fifth teen minutes dancing with Liv, then I get to hot so I decide to go outside to get some air and cool down. I find a bench and just scroll through my phone reposting Instagram stories Liv and Cathy has tagged me in . I hear the door of the bar opening but I don't pay attention as I think it's just one of the many people leaving. " you okay, doll" I hear in a familiar husky voice. I look up to see Bray walking over too me. " oh, yeah I'm just hot, your fiancée worn me out" I chuckle " I know the feeling" he winks at me and I laugh. Whilst me and Bray are talking the door swings open and Demi and Dom walk out " there you are" Demi smiles and Dom eyes Bray, " oh, yeah I came to get are and then me and Bray started talking" I explain " that's okay, I was just wondering where you went" Demi smiles, she sits next to me and I rest my head on her shoulder. The rest of the crew come out and we decide to walk to the nearest taxi station. Ten minutes into the walk the heels I am wear decide to hurt my feet. "ugh, my feet hurt" I complain. All off a sudden Demi hoisted me over her shoulder, I laugh and she continues to walk. I slap her butt a few times " I like your butt" I chuckle and I hear everyone laugh. " peachy" I laugh and Demi continues to carry me to the taxi station. 

We get home and Cathy came with us as she doesn't feel safe going home by herself in her drunk state so Demi offered her to stay with us. We sort out the guest from for Cathy and then get ready for bed ourself, I wait for Demi to get into bed before snuggling up to her and letting sleep take over my drunk mind. 

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