Part 17

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Saraya's POV

Demi drove us to Dom's house, as we pull up I see a beautiful women with long black hair, blue eyes around 5ft 8, olive skin and a breath taking smile, standing next to Dom. " that's Marie" Demi says reading my mind " I know you said their excited but jhezz" I chuckle and Demi laughs. We get out the car and Dom and Marie pretty much run to us " Mami" Dom cheers and jumps on Demi, Demi laughs and catches him. " hey, welcome" Marie smiles and hugs me " thank you for inviting us into your home" I smile back " you're welcome, it's going to be amazing" she squeals and I laugh "babe calm down, let them get in first" he chuckles " hey ray" he smile and embraces me into a hug. 

We starting moving our stuff in " so, this will be your room, it's nothing special please decorate is as you please" Dom says opening a door and there's a huge room with a king-size bed and the walls are white and basic with some picture's and a tv on the wall and an en-suite bathroom, this is stunning, the whole house is beautiful " thanks Dom, I- we really appreciate this" Demi says " don't mention it Dem's. I'll let you gets get settled in, Dem's you remember where everything is right?" he asked " yeah" Demi say placing a box on the bed " cool, come down when your ready" he says he leaves and shuts the door. We and Demi spend the rest of the day unpacking our stuff, Marie make us some delicious Mexican dish and then me and Demi had to go to view this house. 

We pull up to this house and my jaw drops, the photo's do not do the beauty any justice. " holy crap" I say getting out of the car. The outside is an beautiful shade of light grey, there's a pathway that is lit up by solar panel lights and the garden was pretty and decorated in cute flowers which will look better during the day. We walk through the path and Demi knocks on the door, We stood and waiting and then we heard heels clicking across the floor and the door opens to see a smiling real estate agent. " hey, you must be Demi, I'm Nicki " she smiles and extends her hand, Demi shakes it with a smile " nice to meet you" she says " you are?" she turns to me " Saraya Campbell" I smile and we shake hands. " well come on in" she says and steps inside and we follow. My breath hitches when we walk in at the beauty of the house, as we walk in we are met with a huge marble stair case leading upstairs with a huge sparking chandler above it. We walk past the stair and we are in the dining room, next the kitchen which is beautiful but also basic at the same time and then the garden. The garden is huge and decorated in pretty bushes and flowers and the pool and the fairy lights, lights up the garden, there's a fire place with chairs around it and a few loungers and a double seated swing and a huge green which I know the dogs will love. We head out of the garden and into the lounge area which is huge with two three seater sofas and a coffee table in the middle. The we head up stairs and there's a bathroom which was basic, a bath, shower and a sink. there's five rooms, one master which was huge, two double rooms and two singe rooms. The house was truly stunning. We head into the dinning room, " so, what do you think" Nicki says smiling a little too flirty at Demi. " I love it, Raya?" Demi turns to me " I love it" I repeat Demi's words and Nicki smiles. " okay, well I have the contract here, basically the next steps are, you sign the contract and the cheque, wait for it to full through and this house is all yours" she explains rubbing Demi's arm " oh, I must of left my cheque book in my bag in the car, please give me a sec" Demi says and walks off and I see Nicki cheeking out Demi. " I would appreciate it if you stops flirting with her, your embarrassing yourself" I scoff " I'm sorry" she says " don't play dumb, the way your rubbing her arm, cheeking her out." I tell her and she scoffs " who are you, anyways why are you even here" she snaps " I'm the women who can tell Demi not to buy this house, so that pretty little bonus of your will be non-existent" I lean closer to her " so, I'd appreciate it of you kept your grimy hands and beady eyes of my girlfriend" I say and she gulps and I move back a bit. " got it" I hear Demi walk though the door. "cool, lets get this done" Nicki puts on a fake smile. We spend the next twenty minutes finalizing the house. " okay, so the cheque will roughly take a week to come through. I will contact you when it has and then I can give you the keys to your new home" she smiles " thank you so much" Demi smiles, We shake hands and we leave. 

" hey guys how did it go" Marie asked " Raya scare off the real estate agent" Demi laugh, yeah I told Demi about mine and Nicki's conversation, even though she laugh she understood and felt the way Nicki was acting was weird but she just wanted to get the deal done. " what, why?" Dom laughs " I didn't scare off the agent, I just gave her a little friendly warning" I pout making them laugh. Demi explains " I would of done the same to be honest" Marie shrugs. We fall into conversation and then we all go to bed as then moving killed us.           

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