Part 43

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 I walk through the curtain " what a match" Damian hugs me " yeah we're proud of you Mami" Dom hugs me " thanks Dom, Dom" I chuckle ruffling his hair. " whoooo, go Demi" I hear my sibling shout, I turn and see my family and Saraya walking towards me. " well done baby, never doubted you for a second" Raya says kissing my check and I roll my eyes at her " okay, maybe when Raquel threw you into the steal" she chuckles. I see Calista hiding something behind her back " what ya hiding, sibling" I raise an eyebrow at her. " I got you a congratulation surprise" she chuckles " oh god" I roll my eyes at her " here" she says and she hands me something tall and folded. I unfold it and its my carboard cut out of the Miz " you brought this from home" I chuckle " look at it properly" she laughs and I scan it to notice the Miz has signed it " you got the Miz to sign this" I laugh " yeah, Raya helped" she chuckles and high fives my girlfriend " oh my god, how embarrassing" I face palm " its okay Ripley, everyone has a crush on the Miz" I hear a males voice and I turn around to see the Miz standing there " oh my god" I say as I feel the heat in my cheeks " brilliant" Raya chuckles " oh come on, now you have to get a picture" Calista says laughing. I roll my eyes and the Miz wraps his arm around me and I set the carboard cut out down so its in the middle of me and the Miz and I smile as Calista takes the photo. " Demi your arm is bleeding" my dad says grabbing my arm to look at it " huh, oh" I say looking at my arm " looks pretty bad, I'll take you to medical" Raya says " babe, I'm fin--" I go to say but Raya just gives me the don't argue look and I know when to pick my battles. I just nod and she takes my hand and leads me to the medic. 

" you'll be fine Rhea, just a few stitches and I can sent you on your way" the medic says. I nod and let him stitch my arm up as Raya watches me with concern in her beautiful green eyes. " babe, I'm fine I didn't even know it happened" I smile at her trying to reinsure her, she gives me a weak smile. After  I have a shower and get changed biker shorts and a oversized top and white converses,  we meet back up with my family and decide to go for a meal before we head back to our hotels as we both have flights tomorrow. 

We find a cute little restaurant, the lovely waitress guides use to a table  and we scan the menu to decide what we want to order. We fall into conversation as we eat. After our meal I see Calista nod towards Raya and I look between them confused and Calista just smiles at me whilst Raya bends down and grabs her bag. " so, you know your are not needed now until RAW next week so we have nearly a week off" she begins to explains " what have you done" I chuckle . Raya pulls out a small envelope and hands it to me, I open it to see plane tickets to Adelaide, I look at Saraya confused " well we are here anyways so I thought that we could spend a few days with your family and then a few days at home" she explains. I'm speechless to say the least " thank you, baby" I say kissing her cheek and she just smiles sweetly at me. We finish our meal and Raya drives us to my families hotel first then she drives us to ours. Saraya kindly carries my bags up to the room as I'm pretty much asleep on my feet. Saraya opens the door and I slump on the bed. Saraya sets the bags down and I can hear her moving about, I move myself so I can see what she is doing and she is packing " why you doing that now?" I ask " so we can get extra in bed" she shrugs " leave it, I'm too tired to do it now. Leave it until the morning and I will help" I tell her " no, you rest, baby. I got it" she smiles at me " you sure?" I ask " of course, baby" her smile gets sweeter. " but I want cuddles" I pout and stretch my arms out to her and she chuckles and shakes her head " let me finish and you can get all the cuddles you want" she says putting our clothes into a suitcase. I sigh and take my shoes, socks and top off leaving me in my sports bra and biker shorts and I get under the duvet and wait for Saraya to finish packing.  Not long after I feel Saraya's arms arms wrap around me. " all done?" I ask as I roll over to face her " yeah all done" she says moving some hair out of my face " thank you" I lean up and kiss her softly and the lay my head on her chest. Listening to her heartbeat and her playing with my soft black hair calms me that much that I drift of to sleep within five minutes.        

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