Part 12

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It's been a month since me and Demi talked about how we feel about each other, we would text everyday, sometime call or facetime and when Matt's away I would stay, making Katie believe Demi wasn't there either, which she obviously was. We haven't done anything sexually yet there's no rush for that, I'm going Demi pace. We would spend our time on days out, going for meals and coming home and cuddling on the sofa watching tv, the more time I spend with her, the more I'm falling for her and thinking to myself that I made the right decision. 

Right now I am in the car with Katie heading to my parent's house for a barbeque my mum has arranged.   It doesn't take us long to drive there, we park up, get out and lock the car and knock on the door. We didn't have to wait long before my mums bright smile meets us. " hi, my loves" she beams " hey, ma" I smile and hug her " hey Amanda" Katie smiles and also hugs her. We walk in and walk through the house to the garden where my brother, my dad and some family members are talking and drinking. " hey guys" I announce has we walk out to the garden " hey Ray-Ray" Luke says " how's my daughter" my dad asked "I'm good" I was about to say but my dad walks past me and hugs Katie " how rude" I act shocked and Luke laughs. " oh hey Raya" he chuckles and hugs me, I roll my eyes as I hugged him back. My parent's have grown close to Katie and has accepted her has their own over the past five years we have been dating, where as Katies mum doesn't like me, she just tolerates me because I am with her daughter. 

We ate and drink, well Katie isn't drinking as she's the driver for today which I' grateful for because she actually ates driving . It's good to see and catch up with some family members as I haven't seen in a long time. I'm sitting on a deck chair replying to a message from Demi, Demi has been away for a week traveling with the WWE. She's telling me how she smashed to bump Fin's and Damian's head together as they bicker more than a married couple. I laugh at the message and at the of Demi actually being the mother of the group. " what you laughing at" I hear my girlfriend ask. " oh, a friend just sent me a TikTok" I lie. Katie nods and sits on my lap and kisses me. " I love you" she says looking in my eyes " I love you too" I say and there's a look in Katies eyes that she knows I don't, well not in that way, not anymore. " I should help my parent tidy up" I say finding an excuse not to look in her eyes any longer. Katie nods and stands so I can get up.

I'm helping Luke tidy up the lounge area " Ray, can I ask you something?" he says " sure?" I say a bit confused, my fifteen year old brother isn't normally the one for heart to hearts but I can hear something in his voice it's going to be. " well, I like this girl and I think she likes me back but I don't know how to go about it" he says not looking at me and I think about it for a moment " erm, just show interest in her, her hobbies, listen when she talks, be kind to her. Maybe ask her on a date once you feel like your both ready" I shrug " is that how you got Katie?" he asked " yeah, we spoke quite a lot and then kept meeting and then five years later we are here, its important not to rush things" I tell him and he nods " thanks" is all he says and I nod. 

I go and take some empty beer bottle to the bin and before I walked in I over hear Katie and my mum talking " something is different with her, Amanda, she's not as touchy as she used to be, she's constantly texting someone and she's not sleeping, she told me she loved me but it didn't feel the same, you know?" I hear the sadness in Katie's voice " do you think there's someone else?" I hear my mum ask " I don't think so, I mean I trust her, if there is, it'll brake me and I'd rather her just come out with it, you know?" Katie says and I can't hear no more so I walk in like I didn't hear anything " hey honey" my mum smiles " hey" I smile back has I put the beer bottles in the trash. 

I'm home in bed with Katie asleep next to me, I struggle to sleep without Demi now, it just doesn't feel the same. My phone vibrates 

Demi: hey im home and miss you. Matts going away for a couple of days tomorrow can you come over? x

Me: im working tomorrow but i should finish at 4 i can be at yours for 6/6:30 x

Demi: cools see you tomorrow sleep tight😘x

I lay down and go to sleep feeling excited to see Demi tomorrow. 

I finish work, I get home, I quickly shower, pack and head to Demi's house. Again, I told Katie that it would just me that. 

I arrive and Demi immediately pulls me into a hugs and kisses me " I missed you" she says squeezing me, somethings I think she forgets how strong she is. " can't breath" I chuckle " oh sorry" she laughs and lets me go. 

as usual we just spend the evening relaxing as I know Demi's tired from the travel. We have dinner and then cuddle on the sofa watching shit tv. Demi yawns " you ready for bed?" I ask and she nods. We turn the tv off and make our way up stairs. Demi is in front of me and I get a sight of her peachy backside, as she makes the top of the stairs, I slap it making it wobble and Demi grunts and  spins and grabs me up against the wall with both of my hands in one for hers above me head and the other hand on my hip pinning me. " do that again, I dare you" she says and shades of Rhea comes out and I smirk and squirm excitedly, she watches me and smirks know what effect this has on me. Demi lets go of me and turns and walks into the bedroom, as it opens the door I slap her bum again, this time a little harder and I swear I heard her moan this time. Without warning she spins around and picks me up over her shoulder and slams me on to the bed, she straddles me and pins my arms above my head again with one hand, she kisses me deeply, her tongue swiping my bottom lip for access with I grant and our tongues dance with each other, she then moves to my neck and then in my swift move she takes off my top leaving me in my bra and shorts. Demi then begins to kiss my chest and down my stomach, she finally reaches the helm of my shorts and looks up at me for permission. " you sure you want to do this" I ask leaning up on my elbows " yes" she simply says and I nod. The next thing I know I have Demi in between my legs and for a women who hasn't done this before, she certainly knows what she's doing.   

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