Part 51

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Saraya's POV

It's been a couple of days after Luke funeral and I have decided to go back to work, Demi is right I can't be tucked up in bed for the rest of my life, I have to move on with my life.

Demi drives us t the arena , we walk to the entrance and I hold Demi tightly " you'll be alright, baby" she smiles down at me and I just nod " you have my schedule, if I'm not working I will be in the locker room okay? I will be easy to find" she smiles brightly and makes me chuckle " I should be fine, I'm with Cathy" I smile up at her " yeah, I should come and find you" she chuckles. We walk down the hallway and I see Cathy and a few others taking pictures and I take a deep breath, " you've got this" Demi says kissing the side of my head and we walk to the group. 

Half the day has gone and I am so grateful for Cathy, she has just made me feel normal again, we have spent all morning laughing. We head to catering to get some lunch. We met Raquel, Liv and Samantha and have lunch with them then we head back and I just help with some pictures and TikTok making. I must of zoned out as I snap back to reality by Cathy calling my name " huh, sorry?" I ask with a chuckle " do you want to go and see Rhea?" she asked " erm, no I'm coping" I smile " you sure?" she asked " erm, yeah I'm fine I smile, Cathy smiles and nods " want a cookie?" she smirks and opens her bag and she has like five cookies wrapped up in tissue, I take one and laugh as I take a bite. 

" Raya, we're done for the day" Cathy informs me " okay" I smile. We exchange goodbyes and hugs then I walk to the judgement days locker room. I give the door a little tap and I didn't have to wait long before I hear the door unlock and Demi opens it " hey" I smile, I see Demi's face light up " hey, baby" she smiles and pulls me in the door and into a tight hug. We sit on the little two seater sofa they have in the locker room and we just cuddle watching Dom, Fin and Damian take on Cody, Sami and Jey. 

I must of fallen asleep as I get woken up by the door bursting open and three men cheering and shouting about their victory. " hey guys" I smile " Raya!!" they all yell and dive on me and Demi. " I've missed you too, guys" I laugh " how you doing" Fin asked " yeah, better" I smile  " alright guys, go and shower you all smell" Demi laughs. They all get up and go and leave " it's good to have you back, princesa" Damian winks " yeah, I missed my chicken tendie thief" Dom smiles and they leave and shower. 

 Me and Demi decide to wait for the men to shower and we decided to meet Vero and Marie at a restaurant so we can have a meal together, as we haven't done this in a long time. 

Demi drives us to the restaurant and we exit the car and walk into the building to see Dom and Marie already at a table waiting for everyone else. We sit at the table and get into conversation as we walk for the others. Damian is last to arrive, which is weird and I see him walk in and he has a beautiful girl under his arm, she's around 5ft 6inches, she has long wavey black hair, beautiful big brow sparkling eyes and a huge bright smile.  I nudge Demi and nod and Demi follows my stare and " ooohhhhh" she chuckles " hey guys, this is Mandi" he smiles, we all introduce ourselves. 

We all enjoy our meal and getting to know Mandi a little more, she's a social media manager and she has a little girl, Mandi is funny and easy to talk to and so lovely, I can see why Damian likes her. After we eat we stay for a while enjoying a few bottles of wine, well me anyways, Demi is driver for today. 

We get home and I immediately snuggle up to Barry on the sofa, my parent's are sleep in the guest room. " come on, lazy, up the stairs" Demi laughs sitting next to me. " nooooo" I groan drunkenly " stop being lazy" she chuckles. I lay down even more " I'm comfy here" I say " I guess I will leave you here then" she says getting up " nooo" I chuckle and gently pull her down on top of me. I look up into her bright, dark blue eyes and I lean up and kiss her. Demi leans down to deepen the kiss. Demi then backs away and I look at her confused " better stop before one of your parents walks down the stairs and see us" she chuckles " yeah that'd be mad awkward
" I chuckle and Demi climbs off me and we head to bed and go to sleep.

We spent the next few days helping my parents move and get settled into their new home and now they can have a fresh start and try and move on from what happened to Luke but make sure Luke's memories live on.            

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