Part 33

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Demi's family has been with us for a week now and me and Demi have gone back to work, but in a few days we will be flying with Demi's family back to Australia like we originally planed before Demi got injured.

" so, you excited about Australia" Cathy asked swinging side to side on her chair, " yeah, The Bennett's are lovely and it will be nice to see where Demi is actually from and know a bit more about her" I smile at Cathy through the mirror. " you two are adorable" Cathy chuckles " thanks" I laugh. I work on Cathy's look and glam her up before the show starts. 

I watch as Cathy does her interviews, I love watching her interact with all off the WWE superstars. " Raya are you free?" I hear a familiar husky voice " sure, what's up Windham?" I ask.  " erm, have you got time to redye my dreads?" he asked kind of shyly " erm, yeah sure Cathy don't really need me anymore. Follow me" I smile. I lead Windham to my hair station. " look at you with your own set up" he chuckles sitting in the chair. " I know right, makes me feel all important and shit" I chuckle and Windham laughs. I work on dying Windham dreads, luckily he only wanted the tips dyed so it shouldn't take me too long. An hour in we are nearly done, Windham is looking at his phone laughing. " look at this" he laughs showing me his phone, he presses play and it's a video Jojo has sent him. The video is Hyire locking Knash in a cupboard and Jojo getting Knash out. " the way he says thank you mommy is so sweet" I chuckle " their sweet kids but sometimes they can be assholes" he laughs. I continue with Windham's hair and we finish within the next half an hour. 

Me and Demi are walking Barry and Luna in the dog park near our house, Demi lets them off their leads and let them explore. Me and Demi find a bench and we sit, drinking our hot chocolates, " I'm excited to show you around my home town" Demi smiles at me. " I'm excited too" I smile " just leave out the massive spiders" I chuckle and Demi laughs " I'll protect you" Demi laughs pulling me into her side for a hug. 

We get home and we walk in to the smell of something amazing and my stomach growls at me. I walk into the kitchen to see Anna and Peter cooking something, they turn and face us " girls go sit down, dinner is also ready" Anna smiles and me and Demi just nod and go into the dinning room. Me, Demi, Calista, Peter and Anna all sit down and have a nice meal with a glass of wine. I love the time I have spend with the Bennetts so far and still have a few more weeks with them a their home, and I am so excited and I can not wait. 

Me and Demi are chilling in the Judgement days locker room waiting for Damian, Dom and Fin to finish their segment in the ring,  I'm laying on the sofa with my legs over Demi's thighs. I'm scrolling on my phone when I feel Demi's hand rub up and down my thigh, I look at her over my phone with an eyebrow raised and she chuckles. All of a sudden Demi's straddling me and planting kisses all over my face. " babe, the guys an walk in at any moment" I laugh at her soft kisses. Demi moves off of me and then places a chair behind the door to lock it " no they won't" she smirks and straddles me again. 

The door handle starts shaking, I look at Demi and look at the door and look at Demi again and Demi starts laughing " Rhea, Raya you guys in there?" Fin bangs on the door. " might want to put this on" Demi chuckles as she throws my leggings at me, I catch them and put them on as Demi opens the door. " why was the door locked?" Dom asked as he sits down next to me. " we were busy" Demi says with an evil chuckle " doing wha... ohhh ewww" Dom shouting jumping of the sofa making us laugh. " that's disturbing" Fin says " just disinfect the sofa" Damian says with a chuckle " well, I've worked up an appetite. Who wants food" Demi says standing up " yeah, I could murder some chicken tenders" Dom says walking out of the room and we all laugh. 

Me and Demi are back home now, we are watching a movie with Calista as Anna and Pater have gone to bed. " that movie was kinda shit" Calista chuckles. " tell me about it" Demi huffs and gets up from the sofa. " I better finish packing" I say standing up " yeah me too" Calista says. I hug Calista a good night and me and Demi head into our bedroom to finish of packing for Australia tomorrow.  


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