Part 50

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Demi/Rhea's POV

It's been a week since Luke's tragic passing, it's just been a week of planning the funeral and Saraya finding it hard to even leave the bed. I called Paul the let him know what happened, he kindly let me have a week off to be there for Raya but he could only give me a week off because I am the women's champion and I have had a lot of time of with my injury and then going back home to see my family and the WWE fans are already shitting on my title reign. 

I shower and get dressed as I have to go back to work today. " you sure you don't want to come?" I ask Raya and she just nods no " it'll be good for you to see everyone, they miss you" I try and encourage her " I'm not ready" she whispers " okay, baby. Make sure you eat today, please" I plead " I will" she smiles. I kiss her forehead and leave for the arena. 

I drive the the arena and immediately get surrounded by the WWE universe, I stop and sign a few things and take some pictures with some fans and then head for the TJD locker room. 

" hey, Mami" Dom says excitedly as I walk through the door " hey, Dom" I chuckle at his excitement " how's Raya" Damian asked as I sit next to him on the sofa " she's not good, but there's nothing I can really do. I just kind of have to let her heal on her own, you know?" I say sadly " she'll be okay" Fin says sweetly " it's just hard seeing her like this, not eating, not sleeping, she's just lays in bed all day just staring into space" I explain and a tear slips " princesa, your doing the best you can, you just have to her comfort. Like you said Rhea, she has to heal in her own time" Damian says wiping away a tear with the pad of his thumb.  I sigh " I got to get ready" I say and I leave to get my hair and makeup done as I will be out supporting Dom as he faces dragon Lee.

Rhea and Dom to gorilla I hear and me and Dom make our way to the ring. I leave the ring and the bell rings three times to indicate that the match has begun. Dragon Lee starts of strong but then Dom finds his way into the match and now is on top. " get him Dom-Dom" I shout and Dom slaps him and I laugh. Dragon Lee hits Dom with his finisher the sit down power bomb, his going for a cover and the ref counts to two and it seems like Dom isn't going to kick out so I reach in the ring and move Dom's leg so his foot is on the bottom rope. The ref stops the count but he looks at me " Rhea I saw that" the ref says " saw what? I didn't do anything" I shout " I saw you put Dominik's foot on the rope" he says " I didn't, I sneezed" I shout " Rhea, leave ringside now" the ref shouts as he kicks me out from ring side " what no, you can't do that, I am the women's world champion. You can't kick me out, I just sneezed" I scream " get out of here, Rhea" he shouts and points towards back stage. I walk up the ramp as I complain to the ref, Dom is in the ring arguing with the ref, as he does Fin comes out from the crowed and hits Dragon Lee with a brain braker and leaves the ring, Dom then climbs on the top rope and frog splashes Dragon Lee and wins the match. 

I head back home as we are not far and I walk in to my house to se Richard and Amanda sitting in the living room  as they are still living with us until they find somewhere new to live" hey" I smile " hey, how was work" Amanda asked " yeah, it was run, I'm pretty beat though so I'm gonna head for bed" I explain, we exchange goodnights and I head to the bedroom. 

I walk in and see that Raya is in the same spot I left her in, I crawl in bed and wrap an arm around and and she moves so she's facing me " hey" I smile and move some hair from her face " hi" she chuckles. I'm tired" I yawn which make her laugh " might be the cold your coming down with" she playful rolls her eyes " huh?" I look at her confused " I just sneezed" she chuckled " oh, it was the first thing that came to my head" I chuckle, Raya chuckles and then lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her, holding her tightly. 

" thank you, Demi" Raya whispers 

" for what?" I asked confused 

" for letting me heal in my own time but looking after me and my family, for not giving up on me" she explains

hey, I will never give up on you, okay?" I tell her and I feel her nod. 

" you and your family will get through this" I tell her  

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