Part 27

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I wake up to an empty bed, no surprise there. Although, this time I hear voices, more then just Cathy's and Demi's. I jump out of bed and go to investigate, I follow the voices and enter the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks when I see Demi and my mother is standing in the kitchen talking. " she's risen" my mum chuckles " what the fu--" I begin to say " language, Saraya" my mum chuckles " please tell me I'm dreaming" I say and Demi chuckles walking up to my and wrap an arm around me. " what's going on?" I ask Demi. " well, I messaged your brother on insta" she explains " well that was your first mistake" I chuckle " and then I invited your family over, I know you haven't seen them in a while" she continues " and there's your second mistake" I laugh " and there's me thinking I'm doing something nice" Demi says acting hurt. " no, no. I appreciate it" I laugh and then pull her into a hug and she places a soft kiss on my forehead "ugh, get a room" I hear Luke  say " shut up" I say flipping him off.  " be nice to your brother" my dads laughs and I flip him off too jokingly. There's a knock on the door " oh, babe you might want to get dressed, we have visitors" Demi laughs " huh, who?" I asked confused " everyone" Cathy cheers. There's another knock  " I'll get it, you, go get dressed" Demi says planting a soft kiss on my lips and as she gets the door, I make my way to the bedroom to get dressed. 

I walk back out into the garden and when Cathy said everyone, she meant everyone. Everyone who came out last night is here and the house is packed. As I walk out there's an ironic cheer, I laugh and find a place to sit next to Demi. 

After a couple of hours, the drinks are flowing and the BBQ is on and everyone is vibing and having a good time, people are even in the pool. I'm on a floatable talking to Jojo and I hear Dom say " mami, what this" and Dom frog splashes me, I sink to the bottom and float back up " fuck you" I laugh and everyone laughs. As Dom was getting out of the pool, Demi picks him up and riptide him back in. That set of like a finisher claxon as Demi riptide Dom, Damian  south of heaven's Demi, Fin just pushes Damian into the pool, Bray sister Abigail's Fin, Bo sister Abigail Bray and Liv oblivion's Bo. It was the craziest five minutes I have ever lived through.  " the fuck just happened" I ask " welcome to the wrestling life" Jojo laughs. 

After a few more hours people start to leave, me, my mum, Luke, my dad and Demi tidy up the house. Demi and my mum are talking and laughing as they clean, my dad nudges me " I think she likes her" my dad chuckles " I hope so" I smile. We continue to tidy up and I watch my mum and Demi together and it makes me so happy.

It's time to say goodbye to my family, I hug my dad and say goodbye, I give my brother a fist bump and jokingly slap the back of his head. I turn to my mum and hug her " she makes you happy don't she" she asked as my brother and dad walk to the car. " she's the one, mum" I smile at her and she smiles at nods " I know I wasn't her biggest fan at the beginning but spending time with her, seeing how happy she makes you, seeing how happy you make her. I like her and I'm happy for the both of you and you have my blessing" she tells me " thanks, mum" I hug her and she returns my hug before letting me go and turning and getting into the car. 

I walk back into the house and Demi is in the bedroom, laying on the bed scrolling through her phone. " hey" I say as I walk in " hey" she smiles looking up from her phone. I lay next to her " my mum likes you" I chuckle " I'm glad, she wasn't my biggest fan was she" Demi laughs " nope" I say popping the P then chuckle. I turn and face her " thank you, for today I had so much fun" I say " you're welcome" she chuckles " I love you" I tell her and kiss her, softy. Demi smiles into my kiss. " I love you more" she tells me " impossible" I laugh.

Me and Demi watch a movie as we settle for the night, I'm sitting up a bit and Demi has her head on my stomach. The movie finishes and I hear light snores coming from Demi so I know she's asleep, I gently move her to a more comfortable position and she groans and mumbles something which makes me laugh. I get up and use the bathroom, on the way back to bed I say goodnight to Barry as his asleep at the bottom of the bed and I climb back into bed. Demi turns and pulls me closer to her, still asleep, she wraps her arm around me and intwine our fingers together. I kiss her hand and close my eyes and let sleep take over.   

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