Part 58

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It's been a whole month since I asked proposed to Demi and life has been crazy since we announced it and work as been non stop too as it is now the lead up to the royal rumble. 

" ugh what a week" I moan and sit on a breakfast stool. " babe, its only Tuesday" Demi laughs as she stirs the pot of chicken soup we are having for dinner. " we need to do some more planning" Demi says as she places a bowl in front of me " I know, can do it tomorrow I'm just so tired" I ask her " what is Cathy doing to you" she chuckles " wouldn't you like to know" I wink and she laughs harder. As we eat we talk more about the wedding and the things we want and ideas we can think of. 

We finish dinner and then I go into the bathroom and wipe my makeup off and put my hair in a messy bun and climb into bed, Demi sounds like she's on the phone so I put the tv on and scroll through Netflix to find something to watch, I settle for Brooklyn nine-nine. I get woken up by the bed dipping, indicating Demi has gotten in the other side and then I feel wrap arms wrap around me " night baby" Demi whispers and kisses my cheek, once Demi settles I fall back to sleep instantly. 

I wake up to an empty bed, I get up and look around the house for Demi and it looks like she's not in so I check my phone and I have a message from her.

Demi🖤:  morning baby i thought id let you sleep in, i am at the gym and i will go to the arena from the gym so i will see you when im home ilysm have a good day off and get some rest xx

I text her back saying that I am finally awake and to have a good day and I will see her when she gets home. I carry on with my day, I take the dogs out for a walk, I come home and shower and then have something to eat and then get some house work done, not that the house is messy or dirty, I just like to keep on top of things as we travel a lot. As I finish up the house work. Once I finish, I sit down on the sofa with a cup of tea and then my phone rings, I look down and look at my phone confused on who is ringing me and why.

" hey" I say answering the call

" hey, Raya how are you?" a thick Irish accent blears through the phone.

" I'm good Becks, how are you" I asked and smile like she can see me 

" I'm in a bit of a pickle Raya I can't lie and that's why I am calling you" she chuckles a bit

" right, how can I help" I asked a bit confused 

" we have a family emergency and I need someone to look after Roux for a couple of hours and Rhea said that your home, It's your day off though so if you can't and don't want to its fine" she rambles 

" Becks, it's fine bring her over" I chuckle at her rambling 

"Oh My God, thank you so much Raya, I will being her now if that's okay?" she sighs and relaxes a bit 

" yeah bring her when your ready" I tell her and we say our goodbyes 

There's a knock on the door and I walk to open it with Barry and Luna barking, walking next to me, I open the door and see Becky standing here holding Roux " hey, come in" I say and stand aside for Becky to walk in.  " thank you so much, Saraya your  a life saver, honestly" she says place Roux on her feet. " it's nothing, I hope everything is okay, and take all the time you need" I tell her, we hug and Becky says good bye to Roux and leaves. 

After some dinner, me and Roux after relaxing watching Disney films and Barry walks to Roux and drops his ball at her feet and she picks it up and looks at it and then me if to say what am I meant to do with it. " throw it" I tell her, she does and Barry chases after it and brings it back and drops it at Roux feet, Roux picks it up " again?" she asked " sure" I chuckle and she throws it again and laughs and does it again. At the same Becky texts me asking how Roux is and I send her a video of Roux playing with Barry, I also send it to Demi.    

Demi🖤: thats so cute xxx

Me: ikr their having the best time xx

Demi 🖤: i cant wait for that to be our child xx

Me: me neither xxx

Me and Roux watch a movie and eat snack and then half way through the move Demi returns home and Roux is so happy to see her, they play for a bit and  how Demi is with children makes my heart explode and I see her being the best mum, after they finish playing Roux cuddles up to Demi and continues to watch the movie and she needs up falling asleep on Demi. 

A hour or so later theirs a knock on the door, I get up and open it to see Becky and Seth standing on our door step. " hey guys" I greet them, I hug them and then step aside so they can come in. " how has she been?" Becky asked " as good as gold, she made a new bestie" I say and nod to show Becky and Seth, Roux sleep with Barry asleep at her feet, they laugh and then collect her things and Seth picks Roux up and carries her to the car " thanks for saving my ass" Becky hugs me " anytime, I'm free" I smile her. They leave and me and Demi go to bed and I have the thought of me and Demi being parents. 

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