Part 52

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" soooooo, I have good news and bad news" Cathy says coming back from catering handing me my smoothie " go on" I chuckle " so, we are going on the European tour" she says excitedly "  the good news?" I joke and she rolls her eyes " the bad news is that we will have to split from the Judgment day" she tells me "again, the bad news" I chuckle " for three weeks" she tells me and my heart sinks, I'm not going to see Demi for three weeks. " so the plan is, you travel with Demi for a week but then when we get to Germany, we will be going to London and they will be going to Spain" Cathy explains. " that makes me sad actually, I haven't spend that much time away from Demi since getting with her" I say sadly " it's okay, you'll be with me, I'll make you forget all about your girlfriend" Cathy smirks and I laugh. 

I get home and it seems I have beat Demi home as the house is empty apart from a relaxed Luna chilling on her throne like the queen she is and a hyperactive Barry. I take Barry and Luna to the dog park and throwing a frisbee for Barry to chase, once they get tired I drive them home and just in time to because Demi is on the doorstep unlocking the door. 

Demi gets started on dinner whilst I shower, by the time I finished showering and walked back into the kitchen, Demi was dishing up dinner. We eat as Demi tell me about a storyline that might be happening. We clean up and Demi plays music through the tv. I sit on the sofa and just scroll through my phone and I look up to see Demi dancing with Barry, his up on his hind legs and Demi is holding his paws smiling at him, I took a picture and post it on my Instagram story, once she see's it she share's it with the caption dance party with my boy.  We spend the rest of the night cuddled up with the dogs and watching tv, scrolling through our phones.

We have today off so we have a lazy morning but then we start to pack for the four week European tour. " ugh, if I see another piece of clothing I might throw up" Demi laughs and dramatically falls on her back and onto the carpet of the bedroom floor. " stop complaining" I chuckle. Demi turns her head to look at me with a smirk " make me". I straddle her and move her arms above her head and she giggles " I love it when you try and be dominate" she laughs and I just raise an eyebrow at her " try, huh?" I lean down so I'm just above her and and she learns up to try and kiss me but I move a bit and she looks at me with desperation in her dark blue eyes. I smirk knowing I have her where I want her. I keep teasing her by just brushing my lips against hers " please" she pleads, I smash our lips together.

 I'm in catering with Cathy sitting at a table eating lunch  " I'm tired" I yawn  " was it Rhea or the packing keeping you up all night" Cathy laughs and takes a bite of her sandwich " both" I wink and she laughs harder almost chocking on her sandwich. We go back to Cathy's locker room, we make TikTok's to past the time until we can go home.   

This time Demi has beat me home and is in the bedroom continuing to pack, I come in the bedroom and I see Demi sitting on the bedroom floor with Barry laying next to her and Luna on the bed sleeping. Demi has her air pods in so she doesn't hear me come in and walk up to the bedroom door. Demi  is singing along to Sign of life by Motionless in white. I giggle whilst watching her be so carefree, I walk closer and she jumps a bit and looks up and smiles " hey" I smile " hi, I didn't hear you come in, clearly the dogs don't care either" she laughs " clearly" I laugh and lay in the bed and Luna and Barry jump on me. Demi climbs up on to to the bed and cuddles up with me and the dogs. We stay like this for a while then I go and shower and then Demi joins me in it and then we get dressed into our night clothes and then have dinner and then finish of packing.

It's the morning after and we spend the morning walking the dogs, having breakfast and double checking we have everything for our four week travel. We now have to leave and Demi drives us to the car park we are meeting the rest of the judgment day to begin tour.       

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