Part 40

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Saraya's POV

I wake up and make this mad house some breakfast, the judgment day are like having four hyperactive children, especially Damian and Demi, their not called the terror twins for nothing. My mind is frying with all the chaos they are causing playing around, I'm trying to cook and I have four adults and two dogs running around like the house is a playground " guys can you relax for like five minutes whilst I cook" I chuckle. I look up from the stove and laugh as I see Demi has Damian in a playful headlock and Fin is straddling Dom and holding his hands so Barry licks Dom's face, they all stop and look at me. " asshole" Dom says pushing Fin off of him and the playful brawl restarts, I roll my eyes and chuckle and carry on cooking.  

" children, your food is ready" I shout out " hey, we're not children" Dom playfully pouts " solo un poco" I say and everyone laughs. We eat our food and enjoy a joke. " hey, guys is it alright if I stay again, my plane as been delayed" Damian asked, Demi just looks at me as if she's asking me for permission. " sure, you guys know you are always welcome" I smile " thanks" he gives me a nod " Dam, Demi and Raya haven't spent much time alone since the injury, why don't you stay at mine and Vero's" Fin chips in " it's cool, our bedroom is sound proof, anyways" I wink. Dom chokes on his drink, " dirty bitches" Fin laughs " hey, Demi was the one who found the house, I just moved in" I chuckle and look over at Demi who is wiggling her eyebrows. 

Dom and Fin chill for some time before heading home to their partners. Me, Demi and Damian spend the rest of the day chilling and planning Demi's return from injury. I love Damian, his so funny and easy to get along with, and people think his mean because of the way he looks but his so kind hearted and caring. We let Damian pick the movie, as his scanning through the options I make some popcorn and Demi gets some blankets. I came back in time to see Damian has started Saw 3 " ohh my favourite  one" I say slumping next to Demi. " mine too" Damian chuckles. I cuddle up to Demi by sitting between her legs and lean my head back on her chest and she wraps her arms around me and a blanket around us, Damian has a sofa to himself and he wraps himself in a blanket and the dogs lay with him.  We watch the film in a comfortable silence, the only sounds are us crunching on the popcorn and the tv. 

The film ends and I stand up to stretch and see that the dogs and Damian are asleep. " what should we do about him" I nod over to him " his a big boy, he'll find his way to the guest bedroom" Demi chuckles. Me and Demi do our nightly routine and climb into bed, Demi lays on her back and I lay my head on her chest and she wraps a her strong arm around me and starts to rub circles on my back. I look at her arm and trace the outlines of her tattoos " are you going to finish your arm sleeves?" I ask " I want to but WWE are in two minds about letting me have my top half tattooed" she explains " what why?" I ask " I don't really know to be honest, but I'm fighting my case" she chuckles. I look at Demi's Freddy Krueger tattoo  and I notice a few white faint scars on her wrist. I rub my thumb over them, Demi flinches and I look at her, her deep blue eyes are full of emotion " why?" I ask her and Demi sighs " you don't have to talk about if you don't want too" I smile at her. Demi takes a deep breath " it started when I moved here, I was missing home, my family. I wasn't fitting in and had no friends apart from Raquel. I was also getting abuse online, getting called horrible things. I felt alone and numb" she explains. I look up at her and see tears forming. " are you okay now?" I ask her " yeah, I mean once people found out, they got me the help I needed" she smiles " so, you don't get urges anymore?" I ask " no, honestly speaking I did back when we lived back in the hotel but you and Dom stopped me" she explains " how do you mean?" I ask confused as I don't recall a conversation about this. " well, I couldn't sleep one night because I was so stressed and my skin was bothering me and all I wanted was to wash away the urges, but I didn't trust myself to be alone in the bathroom so I was texting Dom whilst laying in bed. Dom was telling me to stay strong and his words were helping but then the urges got stronger and my skin got itchier and I thought fuck it, once wont hurt but as I climbed out of bed to go to the bathroom, you pulled me back and snuggled in to me so I couldn't move. I ended up falling asleep. Dom then got me an appointment with the WWE therapist which helped and I have been okay since." she tells me. Demi wiped a tear away from my cheek " promise me that if you feel like that again you will tell me, I wanna help you, you're not alone, Demi, you are loved" I tell her and she nods " I love you" I tell her as I snuggle into her " I love you, too" she says kissing the top of my head.  

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