Part 16

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Me and the boys are at the gym, I'm  on the weights pumping 75kg on dumbbells. I'm pushing myself to try and block out the stress. My arms being to shake and hurt " whoa, Dem's slow down" I hear Dom walking over to  me. Dom helps me set the dumbbells down onto the floor " you good" he asked " yeah" I breath heavily. " come with me" he stretches his hand out and I take it and he helps me up. I follow him into a little room " why are we in here" I asked " so we can talk" he shrugs " about" I asked a bit confused " talk to me Dem's we are worried about you" he looks at me in the eyes and his brown eye are filled with concern. " I told you yesterday" I roll my eyes at him " look Dem's what you do is your business you're a grown ass women, but I can't help but to think if it is all worth it if it's causing this much stress" Dom says leaning on a table. " we will be okay once we find a place" I sigh " so you think it will be better once you have somewhere stable?" he raise an eyebrow " yeah" I say confidently " come and stay with me" he says " Dom, I can't intrude on you and your fiancée" I say softly " I'm not taking no for an answer Demi, when we get home tomorrow pack up your and Saraya's stuff and come to me and leave that fucking hotel" he says and I nod knowing I will lose with him. " thank you" I whisper " I think Marie will like having girl time with you and Saraya" he chuckles, making me chuckle. 

We spend the day traveling to smackdown, we arrive and and found our locker room, we chill and the go catering for soe food. " my girlfriend's back"  I hear as I walk into catering and I chuckle knowing how it is "hey, Cathy" I turn and hug her " nice top" I chuckle and I see she's wearing a she's my mami  top " thanks" she laugh. " wanna join us" I ask " sure" she smiles and we find a table. " you know every TikTok me make go viral" Cathy says wipe her mouth with a napkin " because people think we are actually dating" I laugh " wait, we're not?" she pretends to be hurt and I laugh. The rest of smackdown went fast and before I know it, I am on my way home.

I open the door and drag my suitcase in and get greeted by the dogs. " hey baby" I look up and see a smiling Saraya standing in front of me. " hey" I smile and pull her into a hug and kiss her softy on the lips. " I've missed you" she says into the kiss " I have missed you too" I whisper. The kiss gets deep and passionate. " I have to talk to you" I say breaking away. Worry flashes her green eyes " oh" is all Saraya could say "it's nothing bad don't worry that pretty head of yours" I chuckle and I see her relax a bit " right" she says and sits on the sofa and I sit next to her " so two questions, one, how would you feel if we stay at Dom's for a bit and two. I have an meeting with a guy about the house I showed you and I would like you to come with me" I explain to her. Saraya takes a moment to think, " I'll come with you to the house, in terms of living with Dom, don't he mind" she asked " well, actually it's Dom's idea and Dom and Maire are not taking no for an answer" I chuckle " oh thank fuck, I don't think I could spend another night in here" she chuckles " me either" I laugh and place a soft kiss her her forehead. " when we going to Dom's then?" she asked " well, I have to go to Matts to get the rest of my stuff as his moving and needs it gone, then we have the viewing of the house later that evening, so either tomorrow after the viewing or the next day?" I shrug " as soon as fucking possible" she chuckles and I chuckle and nod. We spend the rest of the evening packing our stuff, eating dinner, showering and then we watch a film and went to bed.

I park up outside Matt's house and knock on the door. I didn't have to wait long before the tall Australian man is standing in front of me. " hi" he simply says " hi" I say and he walks off into the house, I slowly walk into the house and it feels weird as fuck and I start to feel anxious and start playing with my rings. " you don't have to feel anxious Dem's" I hear Matt say and I just nod. " your stuff is in our office" she explains and I just nod and open my office door to find all my stuff boxed and piled up. I take a deep breath and start carrying them to my truck. Matt helps put the last box in the back seat. " so this is it then" he asked sadly " I guess so" I shrug and he just nods " look Matt, you--" I begin to say and he cuts me off "don't" and I nod " so, why are you moving" I just trying not to make it awkward " because every time I walk into the house all I see is you fucking our pet sitter" he says with a little anger. " oh" is all I say looking at my feet. " well, thanks for the help" I say and he nods and I get into the car and drive off.  

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