Part 19

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I must of feel asleep because I wake up to someone stroking my cheek " wake up princesa, we're here" I hear in a deep voice and it makes me jump awake. I see Damian lent over me " I hate you" I say taking the blanket off me which Demi must have put over me because I didn't fall asleep with it. Demi, Damian, Dom, Marie, Fin and a pretty lady with long blonde hair is laughing at me. " well done Priesty, traumatize her as soon as she gets here" Fin chuckles. " I'm sorry, princesa, come let's get on the bus" Damian says and offer his hand, I take it and he helps me out of the truck. " why are you guys so late" Dom asked as we get on this bus " oh Raya needed to stretch her legs" she says and winks at me " oh okay, ohhhhhhhh, eww TMI" Dom covers his ears and we laugh. " oh where's my manner's, Saraya, this is Vero, my wife. Vero, this is Saraya, Ripley's girlfriend" Fin says introducing us. Me and Vero day hi and hug and get get on the bus.

The bus is a lot bigger then I thought, especially seeing it from the outside. We walk in and we are immediately in the lounge area, you walk from the lounge area into the kitchen and dinning area and the through the hall and there is the bathroom and then after that is the bunks. There wasn't much to do apart from settling in and watch movies. " no wonder rock stars just drink and do drugs on tour. I'm bored as fuck" I moan " whhaaatt" Demi laughs " congrats, you lasted" Dom says looking at his watch. " 3 hours" Dom laughs " we should get some sleep anyways, it's late" Damian announces like the father of the group. Fin and Vero are already in their bunk asleep. "I'm going to our bunk" Demi yawns  " you coming?" she asked " sure" I yawn. We say goodnight to Maire, Dom and Damian and we head to sleep.

"whoa" I say in amusement looking at all the judgement day fans waiting in the arena car park waiting for the judgement day to leave the bus and walk to the arena in hopes they will stop and get pictures and autographs.  " keep close to me" Demi says as we walk out the bus. The crow goes wild, I'm blinded by the flashing off the camera and the screams and shouting were deafening. "MAMMI" they all shout " Dom" you suck" someone shouts and Dom sticks his middle finger up at him and I can't hide my laugh. "Rhea who's the lady, she a new member of the judgement day" someone asked " mind ya business" Demi shouts back. Demi pulls me close and we walk into the arena. 

I am amazed by how big it actually is and how many people work behind the scenes. We are walking into the judgement days locker room. There is a 3 seater sofa and a two seater sofa, there is a desk full of products and a mirror, I assume it's for Demi so she can do her hair and makeup. There's also a toilet and shower room and the whole room is just the judgement day's vibe. Dark, purple and gothic. I chill on one of the sofa whilst the judgement day get ready for whatever they have to do. " wanna have a walk around?" Demi asked " sure" I shrug not really sure where we could go or see. " you hungry?" she asked taking my hand in hers " I could eat" I say " me too, let's go catering" she smiles. We head to catering which is just a massive room were all the wrestlers and other workers eat and chill. There are loads of tables and chairs and multiple tv's were we can watch what is happening in the ring. We enter and hear " my girlfriend has arrived" in a high, squeaky, excited voice. I turn around to see a petite women with brown hair running over to us. This women  runs and jumps on Demi, Demi catches her with ease and they are both laughing. " I've missed you" this women says ruffling Demi's hair " I've missed you too" Demi chuckles and sets this women down on her feet. " oh, hey" she smiles at me. " hey" I smile back. " babe, this is Cathy, Cathy is an backstage interviewer. Cathy this is my girlfriend, Saraya" Demi smile " girlfriend, aye?" Cathy says with an eyebrow raised " yup" Demi chuckles " I'm happy for ya" Cathy smiles and hugs us both. I look at Cathy and then I realize that she's the one Demi puts on her story all the time and everyone believes that she is the one who broke up Matt and Demi. " wanna come get some food with us?" Demi asked Cathy. " oh no, I don't want to intrude" Cathy says " oh no, you won't be" I smile at her " if your sure, then sure" she chuckles " come on then" Demi says and pulls Cathy closer to her and we walk into catering. I met some more people. I met Liv, Raquel, Alexa, Shayna and Candice  We all eat together and get to know each other, I can't help but smile at Demi introducing me as her girlfriend and I'm so grateful that they were all nice to me. 

Demi comes back from her match with Candice, obviously demi won within minutes. I'm sat on an equipment box and Demi walks up to me, " hey" she breaths trying to catch her breath. " hey" I smile and move some black hair that's stuck to her forehead. " enjoy the match" she asked standing between my legs that are hanging from the box " I enjoyed watching you" I wink at her and she laughs. Demi then uses her index finger and thumb to move my chin up so I'm looking at her and she places a soft kiss on my lips. " let's go" she says " yeah you need a shower" I pull a disgusted face and she laughs.

While I wait for Demi to shower in the locker room, I get a Instagram notification from Cathy, she has tagged me in her story and I'm confused. I open it and my jaw drops. It's a video, firstly it's on her pulling at sad face and then she pans the camera over and it's me sat on the box with Demi standing between my legs, kissing me. It's captioned when you find your online girlfriend cheating  😭😤😡💔      

Oh no. 

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