Part 64

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 Demi drives me to the hospital as fast as she legally can with Peter driving Anna and Calista behind us. We get to the hospital and we explain everything that needs to be explains and we get guided to a room and get told to wait her for the midwife to come.

I'm sitting on the bed, Demi is is sitting on the bed next to me rubbing my back  which I am thankful for because my back is killing me, Calista and their parents are sitting on the chair and my parents are on the way, apparently.

We are talking to the midwife and the she wanted to do some checks so Demi's family leaves and the midwife finishes her checks. I am 6cm dilated out of 10cm and now it's just a waiting game for me to reach 10cm but she says that the twins are definitely coming today. Once the midwife leaves the Bennett's walk in with my mum and dad, they say hello and ask how I am and then we all just sit in the room relaxing, well trying too and just wait.  

The contractions become thick and fast and now it's only me, Demi and Calista. Calista asked if she could stay in the room and watch the birth because she was just genially interested, I said I didn't mind and Demi just said if I don't mind, she doesn't. I'm just walking round the room laughing and joking with Calista, having a little dance too. " how are you so calm right now" Demi asked " mind over matter, my love" I chuckle. 

I'm now laying on the bed and I am now 10cm gone and I have a team of doctors in the room, Demi standing next to me and Calista is sitting in the chair just taking everything in. 

The doctors are telling me to push every time I feel a contraction. I do as I am told and I can't even describe the pain I am feeling right now, Demi is giving me words of encouragement. In what seems like forever I feel what I can only explain as a bubble popping in my groin and then a the sound of a little cry, one of the doctors takes the baby and walks over to a table and then more pain comes and not long after the same feeling of a bubble popping in my groin and then a tiny cry,  sit back and relax and watch the doctors do checks on the babies. " I'm so proud of you, Saraya. You have done so well, I love you so much" Demi says kissing my sweaty forehead, I only have the energy to smile weakly at her. 

Not long after I am handing to little babies, one boy and one girl, Demi sits on the bed next to me and I look up at her and she's crying a little. " they are so beautiful" she says wipe away her tear. I see at the corner of my eye that Calista is just standing her trying to see but trying to keep her distance. " Callie, come here" I say move up a bit, I can move now as Demi has taken the babies. " I don't want to get in the way of you resting" she says " stop being stupid" I chuckle and pad the space next to me, Calista smiles and sits next to me. A few moments later both family's walk in and they spend some time holding the twins " right guys, I think we should let Raya get some rest" Demi says and they all agree and say their goodbyes and Demi sits on the bed next to me, looking over that the babies in their little coat things the hospital uses. " did I tell you how unbelievably proud I am of you I am" she turns to face me " you might of said it once or twice" I chuckle " how are you feeling?" she says " a bit sore, tired and overwhelmed" I chuckle lightly " but mainly exhausted" I yawn. " come here" Demi says and lays back and I move and cuddle up to her and she holds me tightly but gently. 

I wake up and the first thing I see is Demi sitting in the chair with both babies talking to them and smiling. I do my best to get my phone which is on the table thing next to me and I sneakily take a photo. I lay my phone down and Demi looks up and smiles brightly " look guys, mummy's wake" she says softy and the look for Demi holding our children proudly, looking at me with so much love and the way I got called mummy for the first time makes my heart explode and at this moment I have never felt happier and I never wont to lose or forget this feeling. 

 A few hours later the doctors come back and do some test on me and the children and then go to shower because the doctors believe that ever is fine and we are good to go. I come back from the shower and jump a bit as I see Fin, Damian, Dom , Marie and JD sitting in the room " what's up fuckers" I laugh as I walk into the room. They all hug me and congratulate me and they spend some time with the twins. 

" so what are the names" Damian asked as he hold our son 

" our daughter is called Rose, after my Nona Rosetta" Demi explains 

" and our son is called Luis" I smile at Damian and I see him well up. Me and Demi decided to call our son Luis after Damian because we both agree that Damian has been a huge factor in our life's and will be a huge factor in a children's life's moving forward and we just love him and wouldn't know where we would be with out him.            

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